Volume 22, Number 30

HST Community Notices


We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 HST Community Awards. Please join us at 8pm ET on April 29th for the launch of a YouTube Live HST 2021 Community Awards event. In addition to the community awardees selected by HST students, we will be presenting six HST Directors' Awards. The video will be released at 8pm ET in which live comments will be shared with the entire community.

The YouTube link will be posted on the HST Community Awards website during the week of April 26.

Directors' Award for Service:
     Ed Benz, MD
     Nancy Berliner, MD    
     Sudha Biddinger, MD, PhD
     David Breault, MD, PhD    

Directors' Award for Extraordinary Service:
     Jeff Behrens, PhD
     Nathaniel Price, MD

Irving M. London Teaching Award – Faculty:
     Clyde Crumpacker, MD
     Harvey Simon, MD

HST Outstanding Teaching Award – Student:
     Timothy Caradonna

Roger G. Mark Outstanding Service Award – Staff: 
     Patty Cunningham

Roger G. Mark Outstanding Service Award – Student: 
     Rory Mather

Seidman Prize for MD Research Mentorship:
     Yonatan Grad, MD, PhD

Thomas A. McMahon Mentoring Award: 
     Junne Kamihara, MD, PhD

Please join us in sending a huge congra(HS)Tulations to these members of our community! 
Spread the word with #HST2021. 


Gus Halwani (HST SHBT alum) and Maria Orbita Halwani announced the arrival of new baby Cleo Mayyada Orbita Halwani born April 4, 2021.

Best wishes for the entire family.


Show off your HST spirit!
Use one of these virtual community Zoom backgrounds.
Share your HST enthusiasm with #HST2021


MITCoin is a charity project run by MIT MindHandHeart. It is our mission to empower charitable causes by rewarding good deeds performed around MIT's campus.

How Does it Work?

You're given 1,000 MITCoins to give away to acknowledge others' good deeds. You only have to sign in to create an account.

If someone does a good deed for you, like helping you with a problem set, or baking you a plate of cookies... send them a few MITCoins!

At the end of the semester, all of the MITCoins you've received will be converted to dollars that you donate to the charity of your choice.

to Get Started


Watch Coded Bias to learn how AI can perpetuate class, race, and gender inequities. Register here for a free, on-demand screening of the film available April 16-19. Follow up at an expert panel discussion on April 20: Is AI Racist?

Each week the TWiHST newsletter includes an item (reading, video, podcast, etc.) about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM, academia, research, or medicine. Members of the community are encouraged to submit suggestions here. An archive of previous TWiHST DEI: Ways to Engage posts can be found here.


Find a full list here: https://hst.mit.edu/covid-19-resources

Course & Academic Resources


The HST.590 topic for this Spring is “MiniMBA”.

Time and Location
Meets virtually on Zoom on selected Thursdays 4:30–6:30pm.
Non-registered students who are interested in participating in a session should contact Max Cotler, Teaching Assistant (mjcotler@mit.edu) for Zoom access information.

Schedule of Lectures and Course Events

  • April 15, 2021
    Ask an IP Lawyer, Donna Ward, PhD, JD, Patent Attorney, DT Ward
    Case Study #4: The CRISPR-Cas9 Quarrel
  • April 22, 2021
    Scientist to Entrepreneur, Rachel Meyers, PhD, CSO, Faze Medicines
    Case Study #5: Blueprint Medicines
  • April 29, 2021
    Academic Founder, Michael Cima, PhD David H. Koch Professor, DMSE/Koch Institute, MIT
    Lecture by Jeff Behrens

Questions? Please contact Max Cotler, Teaching Assistant (mjcotler@mit.edu)


The Graduate Program in Engineering Leadership Program is pleased to announce our Graduate Certificate in Technical Leadership Workshop Series for Spring 2021. These workshops will run virtually and here is a link to descriptions for each.

We invite you to register and attend our series, which count toward satisfying requirements toward our certificate. The workshops will be held from 5:30-7:30pm.

*If you are interested in registering for one or all of our workshops, please email Lisa Stagnone (lstag@mit.edu)

  • Foundations for Ethical Action and Integrity in Engineering - Led by James Magarian on Wednesday, April 14
  • Managing Up Your Advisor or Supervisor - Led by Diana Chien and Jesse Dunietz on Tuesday, April 27
  • Taking Charge of New Roles: Strategies for Your First 90 Days - Led by David Niño and Albert Atkins on Tuesday, May 11


The HSTalks Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection is an online multimedia resource containing nearly 3,000 specially commissioned lectures by world leading scientists. MIT has full access to this resource.

Program directors, faculty, teaching staff, researchers, post- docs, and students use the collection in many ways including in blended, distance and flipped classroom education.

Browse the collection here.


This year, the MIT community is adapting to new ways of taking care of ourselves and others. If you’d like to connect with your community, stay active, sleep better, relieve stress, and more, Community Wellness at MIT Medical can help you find virtual wellness programs that fit your needs.

View all classes here.

Don’t see what you are looking for? Email wellness@med.mit.edu with any questions about wellness programs at MIT.

Don't forget: MIT Medical's COVID-19 hotline can be reached at 617-253-4865, and the 24-hour general helpline is 617-253-1311.


The Writing and Communication Center offers free one-on-one professional advice from communication experts with advanced degrees and publishing experience. The WCC can help you further develop your oral communication skills and learn about all types of academic and professional writing. You can learn more about the WCC consultations at http://cmsw.mit.edu/writing-and-communication-center and register with the online scheduler to make appointments through https://mit.mywconline.com. Please note that the WCC hours are offered Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm, and fill up fast.

Some faculty already require their students to consult with the WCC’s communication experts on their papers, technical reports, and presentations — doing so is a good way not only to improve the quality of their students’ work but also to help students grow as academic writers and communicators. 

The WCC has decades of experience preparing thousands of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral scholars and faculty, for positions in research, academia, and industry. We provide expertise in scientific and engineering writing as well as humanities and social science writing across various genres, including journal articles, scientific posters, dissertations, oral presentations, and slide design.


Information about upcoming workshops for graduate students and postdocs can be found here.

The Teaching + Learning Lab is happy to announce that applications will soon open for the next program in the Grad Teaching Development Tracks: Inclusive Teaching.

This track consists of two 90-minute workshops, held on Tuesday, May 4, and Tuesday, May 11 from 2:30-4pm ET. Anyone is welcome to apply, but participants from previous workshop tracks will be prioritized.

Applications will open on Monday, April 12 at noon ET and will close at 11:59pm on Thursday, April 15.

Upon the completion of each workshop track, participants earn a Letter of Completion from the TLL and after completing all four workshop tracks, participants are eligible for a Teaching Certificate equivalent to that earned through the Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program. For more information on each workshop track, the program overall, and frequently asked questions please visit our website.

If you have any questions about programs and resources available to graduate students through the TLL, contact Ben Hansberry, Asst. Director for Graduate Student Teaching (bhansber@mit.edu)

Subscribe here to the TLL Newsletter.


Harvard Catalyst works with Harvard University’s schools and affiliate academic healthcare centers to build and grow an environment focused on team science – where discoveries are rapidly and efficiently translated to improve human health. We catalyze research across all clinical and translational domains by providing investigators with opportunities such as pilot funding, free resources such as biostatistics consultations, training and mentoring programs, and numerous courses. To facilitate communication, collaboration, and data collection, our informatics team develops a range of open-source tools available to the community within Harvard University and beyond.

Information on courses and training through Harvard Catalyst can be found here.
A calendar of Harvard Catalyst events can be found here.
Subscribe to the Harvard Catalyst Newsletter here.


Information about the Harvard i-lab and it's upcoming events and activities can be found here.

Conferences, Lectures & Seminars


We've just opened the application call to participate in Hack The Hospital

This lab happening on May 21-23 will explore the potential of 5G and XR technologies being applied to pediatric healthcare and to foster new connections between Barcelona and Boston hubs. International teams will develop innovative projects that can improve the hospital experience of long term pediatric patients at the Boston Children's Hospital and the Sant Joan de Déu children hospital (Barcelona). 2 winner projects will be tested and implemented in both hospitals and will be presenting at the MWC Barcelona 2021.

Challenges: Education, mental health, socialization, family experience and entertainment within the hospital environment

Application requested by April 18, 2021.


Translational Research Across the Spectrum

Interested in learning about how research that spans translational phases leads to discoveries like the COVID-19 vaccines? Mark your calendar for Translational Research Day 2021:

  • Tuesday, April 27, 2021
  • 9am-3pm
  • Online via Zoom

Please register here to attend.

The agenda is now online: https://www.tuftsctsi.org/events/translational-research-day-2021/

Zoom links will be emailed to all registered attendees.


  • Thursday, April 15, 2021
  • 9-10am ET

Presenter: Adina L. Roskies, PhD, Helman Family Distinguished Professor, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Chair, Cognitive Science Program, Affiliate Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College

Topic:  New Work on Free Will and Agency

Join Zoom here using this passcode: 041521.

Find more information here.

Please email bo.qian@mgh.harvard.edu if you want to subscribe to the MGH Neurology Grand Rounds Speaker Series weekly announcement and/or Outlook Calendar.

The consented recordings are available via https://www.massgeneral.org/neurology/education-and-training/grand-rounds.


  • Wednesday, April 14, 2021
  • 12-1pm (Zoom link available upon registration)
  • Register here

Join Dr. Moya Bailey as she talks about her course Black Feminist Health Science Studies and the accompanying symposium. She will be playing one of the podcast episodes produced by students in the course and talking about the pedagogical considerations she made for the course.

Don't forget to use #BFHSS, and visit https://blackfeministhealth.com/ for more!

We are committed to making this dialogue accessible for all MIT community members. Please reach out to rornitz@mit.edu with accessibility requests.


Augmented Interfaces Using Ubiquitous AI

Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain, PhD, Professor, EECS, University of California Berkeley

  • Tuesday, April 13, 2021
  • 1pm ET

For zoom link to the talk, please email mjgc@mit.edu with your institute email and mention affiliation

For a list of all talks at the NanoBio seminar Series Spring'21, see here

Electronics technology has enabled an era of computation-communication-infotainment. Going forward, by redesigning such high performance electronics can be used for soft-interfacing with biology. Specifically with the emergence of Internet of Everything, where people-process-device-data will be seamlessly connected, we are eager to know how nature works, how we can mimic them, how we can interface them more and more importantly how we can augment the quality of our life? To address these important questions, inspired by nature, we are redesigning conventional CMOS electronics into physically fully compliant electronics to redefine their purposes. We integrate heterogeneous materials (classical crystalline and novel 1D/2D) and processes (state-of-the-art CMOS technology and emerging processes) through robust manufacturable processes to develop physically flexible, stretchable and reconfigurable standalone biocompatible CMOS electronic system. We are gradually using machine learning to incorporate AI and robotics into these electronic eco systems to make them interactive – without any human interface. Two such examples will be detailed: one of them is marine skin – an ultra-light weight (2.5 grams with 36 cm2 size) standalone biocompatible wearable which can monitor marine environment for up to 1 year at a depth of 2 km; the other example will demonstrate butterfly like sensors which can be used for plant growth monitoring and they are deployed through AI enabled UAVs but without any human intervention.

Mustafa (PhD, ECE, UT Austin, Dec 2005) is a Professor of EECS, UC Berkeley. He was a Founding Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, KAUST from 2009 to 2020. He was Program Manager in SEMATECH (2008-2009) and Process Integration Lead for 22 nm node FinFET CMOS in Texas Instruments (2006-2008). His research is focused on futuristic electronics which has received support from DARPA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, GSK-Novartis, Saudi ARAMCO and SABIC. He has authored 450+ research papers and patents. He is a Fellow of IEEE, American Physical Society (APS) and Institute of Physics (UK), a distinguished lecturer of IEEE Electron Devices Society, and an Editor of IEEE T-ED. His research has been extensively highlighted by international media (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Washington Post, WSJ, National Geographic, Forbes, IEEE Spectrum, etc.) including being featured by Scientific American as one of the top 10 world changing ideas in 2014. He has received more than 45 international awards including Best Innovation Award in CES 2020, Edison Award 2020, UT Austin Outstanding Young Alumni Award 2015, IEEE Outstanding Individual Achievement Award 2016, etc.


Surfacing anti-Black science and building antiracist teams

Speaker: Dr. Hugo Caicedo, PhD, FBA

  • Friday, April 16, 2021
  • 1pm ET (Meeting ID: 942 9424 6811- Password: WIForum)

In mid 2020, following the brutal killing of a Black man, George Floyd, by police in the United States, a myriad voices involved in the science and commercial business of biotech called for action on systemic racism in society and in science. In late June of 2020, the world’s largest scientific society, the American Chemical Society, vigorously pointed out that it is abundantly clear that the lack of representation of Black people and members of other under-represented minorities in science and engineering education and employment is a symptom of systemic racism across all levels of education and professional life. As a Black man living in the United States, a professional contributing to the science and commercial business of biotech, and a police survivor myself, I was invited by the journal Nature Biotechnology to write an article covering racism in science and medicine. In this talk, I hope to raise awareness of unethical anti-Black ‘science’ and help improve public understanding of the causes and effects of racial inequity and exclusion in the life sciences. I also outline concrete action items that the biopharmaceutical industry and research academic institutions may consider to create equitable antiracist teams. The goal is not to point fingers but to raise awareness of multigenerational injuries, avoid historical mistakes, visibilize current social realities, and co-develop a more equitable world with a leveled playing field for all human beings.

Dr. Hugo Caicedo is a leader in the global pharmaceutical industry. Currently, he oversees the drug product design strategy of a $14B dollar franchise at a leading biopharma company. He is also a member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council and MIT Connection Science. Formerly, he was an MIT Business Fellow and a Harvard Postdoc. Additionally, Dr. Caicedo holds doctoral training from both UIC (Chicago) and UPMC (Paris) and a bachelors from UniValle (Cali, Colombia).

For more information on the seminar or Dr. Caicedo, please email Liz Boydston (liz@wi.mit.edu).


How to prepare our patients to restart travel safely: consider the ISTM Virtual Travel Medicine Conference in May!

The International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) is holding its 17th Biennial Conference (CISTM17) May 19-22, 2021, the largest international gathering of travel medicine specialists and practitioners who collaborate and learn about the latest developments in the field. SARS-CoV-2 has imposed great challenges but added fresh perspectives to travel medicine.

The CISTM17 Theme is The Changing Face of Travel Medicine: Anticipating its Global Impact. Updated Scientific Program details, organizing committee, agenda and more information are available on our website.

For more information or questions, contact Lin H. Chen (lchen@mah.harvard.edu), MD, FACP, FASTMH, FISTM, President, International Society of Travel Medicine, Director, Travel Medicine Center, Mount Auburn Hospital, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Do you have a scientific idea you want to turn into a business? Are you looking for the right team members, mentors, or resources to form a biotech startup?

Join us at Ideation 2021 -- hosted by the MIT Biotech Group and Harvard Biotech Club! 

Ideation is an annual event that connects early-stage startup teams to other skilled entrepreneurial students and professionals. 

  • Teams can hear from established biotech entrepreneurs, successful early stage teams out of Harvard and MIT, and startup funding organizations.
  • Last event allowed teams to pitch and network with an audience of ~300 people.
  • Our partners and sponsors in the past have included The Martin Trust Center for Entrepreneurship, The Engine, MIT 100k, and Harvard Innovation Lab. 

We are currently recruiting teams to pitch at this year's Ideation, which will be held virtually on May 13th from 6-9pm. Apply to pitch here by April 5th at 11:59pm. For more information, check out the website.​​​


The NSRF is an entirely student-organized forum designed to provide an opportunity for students in schools of medicine and graduate studies to present their research in areas of biomedical science, medical humanities, and public health. 

On behalf of the University of Texas Medical Branch, we would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in this annual event. This forum is a chance for budding researchers to share their findings and their enthusiasm with both their peers and established clinicians and researchers. 

The 62nd Annual National Student Research Forum will be held virtually on May 14th-15th, 2021. 

We encourage all interested students to submit an abstract for review by the April 28th deadline (or March 29th for the early-bird discount). Our researchers and clinicians look forward to reviewing and providing meaningful feedback to each and every one of the participants. Furthermore, exemplary participants will be recognized at our virtual awards ceremony and will receive a monetary award. Like previous years, our student-led committee is highly devoted to making this event as successful as ever. We hope you and your students will be able to join us for the 62nd installment of this exciting research forum.

Please visit our website: www.utmb.edu/NSRF for the application and event details.  As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. On behalf of the NSRF, we want to say thank you for your time and assistance in making this event successful and meaningful to students around the world.

National Student Research Forum, 301 University Boulevard, Galveston, Texas 77555-1317, Phone: (409) 772-8145, (409) 772-3661
NSRF.Galveston@utmb.edu | www.utmb.edu/NSRF


  • Monday, April 12, 2021

The potential of AI to bring equity in healthcare has spurred significant research efforts across academia, industry and government.  Racial, gender and socio-economic disparities have traditionally afflicted healthcare systems in ways that are difficult to detect and quantify.  New AI technologies, however, provide a platform for change. By bringing together thought leaders in these fields, we will assess the current state-of-the-art work in this space, identify key areas of impact, and present machine learning techniques that support fairness, personalization and inclusiveness.  We will also discuss the regulatory and policy implications of such innovations. 

Find more information and register here.

Sponsors: Jameel Clinic, IDSS, MIT EECS, MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, IMES


A calendar of upcoming events is available here.


The Boston Children’s Hospital Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP) invites you to our Landmark Ideas Lecture.

People, Ideas, and Machines
Speaker: Enrico Coiera, PhD, Director of the Centre for Health Informatics at Australian Institute of Health Innovation

  • Thursday, April 29, 2021
  • 5-6:30pm
  • Register here

In an age where technology appears to rule supreme, it is easy to forget that our relationship with technology is complicated. Just as humans shape technology, it shapes us in return. It is also easy to only see things through the lens of the technologies we have to hand, and build solutions that ill fit reality. Electronic health records for example demand that clinical work bends to the needs of documentation, with the end result being burnt out clinicians who do anything but what they were taught at medical school. Algorithms built with our cleverest machine learning methods just end up making concrete the biases implicit in their data sets. Seeing human systems like healthcare as sociotechnical systems helps us understand these unintended consequences, and gives us a different lens to understand technology design and use.

Trained in medicine and with a computer science PhD in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Dr. Coiera has a research background in both industry and academia and a strong international research reputation for his work on decision support and communication processes in biomedicine. Dr. Coiera spent 10 years at the prestigious Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories in Bristol UK where he led numerous health technology projects. He has overseen the development and trial of multiple eHealth interventions, including the Healthy.me consumer system as well as clinical decision support systems. Healthy.me technologies underpin a new US health startup called Healthbanc. His textbook Guide to Health Informatics is in its 3rd edition, is widely used internationally, and is translated into several languages. Dr. Coiera has won a number of prestigious awards including the 2015 International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) François Grémy Award for Excellence and the 2011 UNSW Inventor of the year (Information and Communication Technology) for a literature-based computational discovery system. He was elected Foundation Fellow and first President of the Australian College of Health Informatics, is a foundation member of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics, and an International Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics. Dr. Coiera has also held key appointments on boards, councils and editorial positions on international journals including Associate Editor of the journal ‘Artificial Intelligence in Medicine’.

About CHIP:
The Boston Children's Hospital Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP), founded in 1994, is a multidisciplinary applied research and education program. For more information visit www.chip.org

About Landmark Ideas Series:
The Landmark Ideas Series is an event series led by CHIP that features thought leaders across health care, informatics, IT, astrophysics, science, and more.

For more information on upcoming events visit www.chip.org/events. 

Social Media: Follow us on Twitter at @Bos_CHIP.


Indigenous Science
Speakers: Darren Ranco, Associate Professor, U of Maine Antropology, Patricia Saulis, MIT MLK Visiting Scholar

  • Wednesday, April 14, 2021
  • Noon

Every member of the MIT community is welcome.

For information on future seminars, dates, guest speakers, and topics, our spring semester calendar can be found here, so set aside the dates!    

To stay up to date on current BDC events, follow us on InstagramTwitter, or send us questions to bdcgroup@mit.edu.


The MIT Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics and the MIT Microbiome Club are proud to invite you to participate in our annual MIT Microbiome Symposium to be held virtually on Thursday, April 15, 2021 from 10-5 pm. Registration is now open!

The symposium will feature talks from established and young investigators, poster sessions, and a networking social to close the symposium. For more details, please check out our website.

This year we are proud to host Dr. Eric Martens (University of Michigan) and Dr. Christina Warinner (Harvard University) as our two keynote speakers.

To participate in the event, register here.

Please contact cmit.microbiome@gmail.com with any questions or inquiries. Your participation in this symposium is free. Our goal is to showcase the diverse opportunities available in the field of microbiome science, and we hope that you can join us!

We look forward to seeing you in April!​


The upcoming *VIRTUAL* North American IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Student Conference will be in June 2021! The theme of the conference is "Diversity of Perspective & People" and it is being organized by a group of graduate students from MIT, Harvard, and Penn State (including a number of HST colleagues!). The goal is to emphasize equally themes of interdisciplinary conversation, broader social impacts, diversity, equity & inclusion, mental health and wellness, and scientific communication along with cutting edge research and cool science. Check out the website if you're interested, and we're now open to abstract submissions!


The Medical Development Group Boston (MDG Boston) is a community of individuals professionally committed to the Medical Device and other Medical Technology Industry segments united by the belief that innovation and advances in technology lead to substantial improvements in health care.

MDG's Mission is to contribute to the continuing development of medical devices and other medical technologies by enhancing the professional development of its members, fostering and supporting entrepreneurial thinking, serving as a forum for exploration of new business opportunities, and promoting best practices in enterprise management.

MDG pursues this mission through the organization of educational programs and forums: the facilitation of cross-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration; the creation of venues for networking and information sharing for current and aspiring professionals, clinicians, and entrepreneurs; and the development of alliances with complementary organizations.

We would love for you to attend and spread the word in your community!

For more information on our upcoming events, visit our website.


Boston has long been known as a medical mecca of scientific discovery. Boston’s healthcare professionals and administrators are adopting practices from other high-risk and service industries. The ‘big data’ movement is thriving, fundamentally changing our healthcare delivery systems. Digital health investments are higher than ever before. Medical hackathons and un-conferences are now an every-weekend occurrence. And both redesign and innovation promise to change medicine as we know it. It’s all happening right here, right now. But the problem is that many of us don’t know it. Despite Boston’s innovative energy and a solid medical infrastructure, many medical providers and health care entrepreneurs remain in the dark about the opportunities, events and work happening in and around the city of Boston – and across the country. That’s where we come in.

At Medtech Boston, we highlight exciting medical innovation work in and around the city of Boston. We aim to start a discussion about the most exciting and controversial new healthcare offerings, igniting a new reputation for Boston as a city with first-class medical research and patient care, but also as a city full of passionate people who use new technology to think big thoughts about medicine’s most pressing problems.

More organizational information and event postings from Medtech Boston is available here.


The goal of the Global Health and Medical Humanities Initiative (GHMHI) is to provide MIT students the training to analyze critically the determinants of health and roles of medicine in society from historical and cross-cultural perspectives.

Global Health programs in medical schools, schools of public health, and universities and colleges across the U.S. emphasize how biomedical training, research, and practice, as well as interdisciplinary collaborations beyond the health sciences, are necessary to improve the determinants of health—whether social, political, economic, or biological.

Medical Humanities is a subfield of medicine that draws on the humanities, arts, and social sciences to analyze medical education and clinical practice.

Find more information and a calendar of upcoming events at http://ghmhi.mit.edu/.


Future topics will be similar to the previous Brainmap season, with some talks on Optogenetics, MR-PET, BOLD physiology, ultra-high field MRI, multimodal integration, contrast agents, and many more exciting topics! Unless otherwise noted, seminars (webinars) are held on Wednesdays at noon.

Brainmap website: https://www.martinos.org/education/brainmap/

To sign up for the mailing list, please go to: https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/brainmap

Student Opportunities


We are excited to invite you to iREFS Wellness Workshop on stress management in grad school by Dr. Susanna (Zan) Barry from MIT Medical on Wednesday, April 14, 2-3pm. This is a virtual event on zoom. Sign-up here to recieve the zoom link to the event. First 50 registrants will receive a food reimbursement of up to $9

This workshop will provide tips and resources to cope with MIT grad student stresses, including coping with uncertainty and low motivation during COVID-19. The interactive portion of the workshop will include mini-relaxation techniques that can be used to reset during the day or unwind during the evening.

Dr. Susanna (Zan) Barry is a Senior Program Manager in Community Wellness at MIT Medical. Her preventive health programs at MIT include stress reduction, sleep health, mindfulness, and new ways of managing motivation and meaning in an era of distributed work.

We hope to see you at the event!


Position Description: This is a fully remote summer position

Save lives. Fulfill yours.

At the American Cancer Society, we're leading the fight for a world without cancer. Our employees and 1.5 million volunteers are raising the bar every single day. We actively seek candidates from diverse backgrounds including communities of color, the LGBTQ community, veterans, and people with disabilities. The greater the diversity of our people, the better we can serve our communities. The people who work at the American Cancer Society focus their diverse talents on our lifesaving mission. It is a calling. And the people who answer it are fulfilled.

BrightEdge is the American Cancer Society’s donor-funded philanthropic impact fund operating at the intersection of impact, investment, and innovation.  To accelerate ACS’s bold goal of reducing cancer mortality 40% by 2035, BrightEdge propels groundbreaking patient-centric solutions by investing in the most innovative startup companies developing novel technology-based cancer solutions to advance science, reduce disparities, and promote healthcare sustainability.

The BrightEdge team uses a double bottom-line approach by evaluating both mission-driven social impact and financial returns on investments to help fuel the Society’s life-saving programs in research, access, and health equity.

The position is responsible for analyzing current and potential enterprise formation of ACS’s extramural research grants portfolio and programs. Over $5B has been invested in cancer research since the Society’s founding and the annual $400MM investment in research grants-in-effect is an integral part of the Society’s mission.  This position will assess the Extramural Science portfolio of past grant recipients, intellectual property filings, publications, and industry disclosures for startup formation and growth. This information will be used for ACS grantee engagement, C-Suite communications, and future BrightEdge investment decisions.  Clear presentation of findings is critical. This position is required to communicate effectively with various stakeholders including organizational leadership and various internal communication channels.

Find more information here.


Esme Learning has partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Architecture and Planning to offer the Health Ventures course, a new, digitally-delivered program designed to provide participants with a comprehensive roadmap of how to structure a successful health venture, navigate the business process, complexities and possible solutions involved when designing, evaluating and launching and a health venture product or service. The six-week course prepares learners for the intricacies of building a new venture in a highly competitive and regulated market.

The Teaching Assistant team is responsible for facilitating understanding of the content for courses developed by leading universities. Learners are spread across the globe and have strong corporate and academic backgrounds. The purpose of this role is to deliver content and assess students in the course in order to provide them with a world-class learning experience.

As a TA, you will facilitate discussion on the online environment in class-wide and small group chat rooms. You will be responsible for creating a world-class learning experience for participants by grading and providing feedback on their submissions. This is a remote, part-time role with the approximate time requirement of 10 - 15 hours per week spread over the entire week, for a total of 7 weeks. Most of the work may be done at the time of your choosing, and there may be some fixed weekly team calls and deadlines. Note that the time requirement and remuneration are based on the number of participants the tutor directly supervises.


  • Graduate or postgraduate qualification in a related field of expertise
  • Practical/corporate experience in a related start-up or corporate role
  • Exceptional facilitation skills and interpersonal skills
  • A passion for education and learning

To apply, send a resumé and cover letter to careers@esmelearning.com. Be sure to include “MIT Teaching Assistant - Health Ventures” in the SUBJECT field. No phone calls or recruiters, please.

Find more information here.


The Office of Residential Life continues to recruit graduate students for Graduate Resident Advisor (GRA) positions for the 2021-2022 year. GRAs live in MIT’s undergraduate residence halls and Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living Groups, and work in collaboration with heads of house and DSL staff to create supportive and inclusive living communities for MIT undergraduates. GRAs serve as mentors who encourage personal growth, provide outlets for managing stress, and facilitate positive interpersonal relationships.

If you are or know a graduate student who would be a great mentor, support resource, and community builder for our undergraduates, please apply or encourage them to apply. You can learn more about the role, including eligibility criteria on our website. If you have any questions, please reach out to beagra@mit.edu for more information.


The MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) is a 9-week research experience for talented, underrepresented minority and underserved undergraduate students who might benefit from spending a summer on MIT’s campus. MSRP 2021 will be held 6/6 - 8/7. The overall cohort size is ~ 80 students and pods are comprised of 2 Pod Leaders working with a small group of ~ 10 interns. The program mission, history & additional information can be found at http://mit.edu/msrp.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Pod Leaders provide guidance and support to students outside of the lab. In collaboration with the OGE staff, Pod Leaders work in pairs to ensure that students have a successful and productive experience at MIT. Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating weekly meetings with student interns to provide guidance and feedback to ensure students complete various program requirements
  • Monitoring students’ progress and overall experience as well as help identify and remedy issues that may arise. Serve as a liaison between the MSRP Assistant Director and MIT Research Supervisors
  • Attending weekly staff meetings, program activities and occasional field trips (often in the evening and on weekends); Pod Leaders will be given the opportunity to showcase their research and facilitate a seminar
  • Assist with additional tasks as needed

QUALIFICATIONS: All current MIT graduate students (domestic and international) are eligible for this position; preference is given to PhD students.


  • Strong organization and communication skills
  • Knowledge of presentation skills and techniques
  • Experience mentoring undergraduates

Pod Leaders must be able to comfortably and effectively interact with students from a variety of ethnic, social and geographic backgrounds.

COMPENSATION: $3878 stipend for 10 weeks, paid weekly (9 wk program + required meetings/training prior to program)

QUESTIONS: msrp@mit.edu

APPLY HERE  (Deadline: April 18, 2021)


The James Dyson Award is an international design award that celebrates, encourages and inspires the next generation of design engineers. It's open to current and recent design engineering students, and is run by the James Dyson Foundation, James Dyson’s charitable trust, as part of its mission to get young people excited about design engineering.

The James Dyson Award is your chance to make a name for yourself as an inventor. As well as winning a significant cash prize, you could generate media exposure to kick-start your career, earn the esteem of your peers – and perhaps gain the confidence to launch your own business. Entering is simple.

We’re looking for designers who think differently, to create products that work better. Engineers who follow an iterative design process. The judges – and James Dyson especially – are drawn to designs that employ clever yet simple engineering principles. If yours is a sustainable design, that’s even better. As well as proving your project’s technical viability, we'd also love to see that it’s commercially viable, too – so include any research you've done into manufacturing.

Find out more, here
Application deadline: Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Flipping Failure is a collection of video stories told by MIT students about their path towards resilience when faced with challenge at MIT.

The goal of this community initiative is to provide visibility to stories of academic challenge and resilience so that we can begin shifting the conversation around struggle from something to be ashamed of to something that is human. Struggling is not only part of the human experience, but it is often the result of tackling difficult challenges and learning experiences. We hope that watching peers talk about their challenges and hearing about the productive and healthy strategies they used to cope will help other students discover their own path towards resilience and self-acceptance.

Thanks to Our Partners:
Community Wellness, FAIL!, MindHandHeart, MITell, Office of Graduate Education GradSupport, Student Support Services (S3)

If you are interested in learning more about Flipping Failure or would like to contribute your story, please contact flippingfailure@mit.edu.
The content on this site was assembled and is maintained by MIT’s Teaching and Learning Lab.


What is iREFS?
MIT iREFS is a student group that offers confidential peer-to-peer support to fellow graduate students. 

What do we do?
Our mission is to ensure graduate student wellness, especially in times of uncertainty, stress, and conflict. We provide confidential, peer-to-peer conflict support and coaching. We also provide informed referrals to MIT resources and offices. Further, we organize conflict management workshops for the MIT graduate student community on active listening and difficult conversations.

Hope you are staying safe and healthy! We are happy to share that MIT iREFS will be holding weekly office hours (confidential conflict management sessions). 

During these office hours, an iREFS will be available on a zoom call. Please feel free to join the call if you are looking to talk to a fellow grad student regarding an issue that is a cause of concern/stress for you. We are here to provide a listening ear, inform you about key student resources that you could benefit from, and help brainstorm ways to come out of such challenging situations.

All sessions are confidential and no calls are recorded. As an alternative, you can always email us at irefs-contact@mit.edu or sign up with our Google Form to schedule a meeting at a time that is convenient for you.

Subscribe to our Mailing List:
You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates about our events!

Want to follow iREFS on social media?
– Join our Facebook group today!
– Follow us on Instagram


The International Support Network has setup a mailing list to build community and provide support to the international students at MIT. All MIT community members are welcome to join!

The International Support Network is a peer support network for international students and scholars as well as allies. We have been actively monitoring proposed policy changes that relate to remote appointments, housing, international travel as well as visa status for international students. After our July open letter​, we have been following up with ISO on related issues. Given the rapidly changing current situation, we acknowledge the heightened concern among the international community at MIT. With that in mind, we created our mailing list​ where we share information about policy updates (both MIT and federal), provide support, and hold future town halls to hear out community members.​

Sign up for the mailing list to hear about those updates and other resources!

Stay safe and take care everyone!​

Feel free to direct any questions to: international-support-admin@mit.edu


ask.mit.edu is intended for MIT students to ask questions about student support at MIT. Ask your question here and a member of Student Support and Wellbeing team will get back to you within one business day.


Welcome! The MIT Activities Committee offers discounted tickets to the MIT community for local arts and culture, sporting events, and family activities.

View our list of Virtual Tours and Performances
Due to current COVID-19 concerns, all tickets are available for purchase online only.

Members of the MIT community: subscribe here (at the bottom of the page) to our mailing list/newsletter to receive the latest updates delivered right to your inbox!


Financial Literacy Talks
Introduction to Investments Part II - 
April 13, 11:30-12:30 PM ET, Part 2 of this series will be slightly more advanced and will build on the knowledge offered in Part 1. Hayley Newhall will discuss asset allocation, asset location, and understanding the market and economic business cycle. An announcement with the RSVP link will go out closer to the event.

Introduction to Investments Part III - April 22, 11:30-12:30 PM ET, Hayley Newhall will return for Part 3 of this series to discuss choosing investment vehicles and offer tips for fund selection. This workshop will build on topics covered by Part 1 and 2. An announcement with the RSVP link will go out closer to the event.

Fellowship Newsletter
Our Fellowship Newsletter is a monthly/bimonthly occurrence that includes upcoming opportunities and events, tips on applying to fellowships, announcements, and generally an avenue for us to relay fellowship related information. 

Interested in receiving the newsletter? Please sign up for our mailing list by clicking here. Future Graduate Fellowship Bulletins will be sent right to your email inbox

OGE also offers the free iGrad Financial Literacy platform (offered in collaboration with the MIT Federal Credit Union). Customized for MIT with videos, articles, games,  job board, searchable scholarship database, and interactive modules on a wide range of topics, including emergency-funding, credit card management, identity protection, spending-smarts, etc. it is a great financial literacy tool for students and the MIT community in general. More information can be found at https://iGrad.com/schools/MIT.

OGE’s Website Financial Literacy and Fellowship section updates
Newly updated Financial Literacy section to our website found here. Also, we’ve added a new Financial Concerns section that includes information on identity theft, food insecurity and transitioning out of school (great for graduation season) found here.

If there are further questions about fellowships, the OGE Fellowship section can be found here, especially the Fellowships Tips content here.  


Read current and past issues of the ISO Newsletter here. For non-students, you can also subscribe to receive published copies by email.


The Office of Graduate Education (OGE)’s GradDiversity seeks to support the success of underrepresented and under-served graduate students at MIT. This takes place through a series of programs designed to strengthen recruitment, enhance community, and ignite development in academic, leadership, and professional skills.

Together with the Institute Community and Equity Office and our faculty, students, and staff from across the Institute, we are committed to fostering a more inclusive and caring climate that intellectually engages and values all members of our MIT community.

Sign up for the GradDiversity Newsletter here.

Sign up for the ICEO Newsletter here.


MIT Graduate Assistance Information Network (GAIN) is a free 24/7 network of professionals who provide life management resources and referrals to help make life easier for MIT Graduate Students and families.

MIT GAIN services, which are available at no cost to you and your family, include:

  • Legal consultation
  • Financial consultation
  • Child care resources and personalized research and referrals
  • Elder care resources and personalized research and referrals
  • Relocation guidance
  • School/summer camp selection for children in grades K–12
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Career assessment
  • Resources for other life concerns, such as moving services, home repair and cleaning services, pet care, fitness programs & trainers, and more.

Take advantage of these additional MIT Work-Life programs and resources:

Find more information here.


Open to all significant others of MIT students, postdocs, and staff who have relocated to the Boston area

Visit: http://spouses.mit.edu


Our Event Calendar is available here.


  • CRAFTERNOON- Collagraphy
    Tuesday, April 13 at 6pm
    • Come learn how to make prints using objects from your quarantine space! We will be exploring the process of collagraphy, a versatile and experimental form of printmaking that relies on collage. This project will challenge you to be resourceful and gather materials from what you have. Led by MS&PC member Hanna Pauline Bernbaum. This event is for MS&PC members only.

      To register and have supplies mailed to you, go to bit.ly/collagraphy


  • Ask the Provider
    Wednesday, April 7 at 11am
    • Join us for an informal conversation with providers from Pediatrics and Family Medicine. These providers will answer your questions as it relates to care for children. You will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance as well as ask during the session. These sessions are open to parents of all ages, from expecting parents to parents of teenagers.

      Register at bit.ly/askpediapril7
  • The Apple Tree – presented by Beech Tree Puppets
    Wednesday, April 21 at 6pm
    • The Apple Tree is a marionette puppet show presented by Beech Tree Puppets of the Washington DC Area.  A woman lives in the countryside with her lively dog, her shy cat and her cuddly sheep.  She decides to plant an apple tree so she can make a pie for her Birthday. She is surprised by an unexpected little helper. Warm colors and beautiful singing bring special magic to this 30-minute. show. Followed by a live meet and greet with artists. 

      Register at bit.ly/theAppleTree


  • KORU Mindfulness
    4 Mondays 12-1:15pm, starting April 26
    • Open your mind and manage your stress! You and your partner are invited to experience Koru, a four-week introduction to the practice of mindfulness. Participation in Koru is associated with decreased stress and self-judgment and increased mindfulness and sleep quality. Attendance at all four classes is required. There will be 10 minutes of mindfulness practice per day required. Open to MS&PC members and their spouse or partner – limited spaces available. Led by Caitlyn McCourt, Director, Community Wellness at MIT Medical

      Find more information and register here - bit.ly/korumspc


Career Connect events are reserved solely for the spouses and partners of graduate students, postdocs, and visiting scholars and researchers. These events are not open to MIT grad students or academic professionals

  • LinkedIn
    Thursday, April 15 at 11am
    • This talk focuses on how to LEVERAGE LinkedIn and relationship building. Dominique Koehl, the speaker, won’t cover how to optimize your LI profile. However, Dominique will share where you can find detailed information to create a stellar LinkedIn presence.

      Register at bit.ly/career_LinkedIn
  • Interviewing
    Friday, April 30 at 11am
    • Learn the basics and the dos and don'ts of the interview process. Led by Bori Stoyanova, Human Resources Administrator in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

      Register at bit.ly/career_interview


  • Newcomer Office Hours
    Wednesday, April 21 at 11am
    • Are you new to MIT and MIT Spouses & Partners Connect? Want to learn about how to participate in our meetings and groups? Have questions about childcare, jobs, or English classes? Please join the newcomers Office Hour with Jennifer Recklet Tassi, the Program Manager, and Polina Vulf, the Program Assistant.

      Please register here so we know that you are coming.
  • Weekly Wednesday Meetings
    • Our weekly meetings are organized by MIT Spouses & Partners Connect staff and volunteers for the spouses and partners of MIT students, scholars, staff, and faculty. Each meeting revolves around a specific topic or activity. We invite speakers from campus, the community or our group to share their expertise.

      Just as when we were meeting in person, babies and children are welcome at our meetings. It's okay to come a little late to our meetings, and you can always mute or turn off your video if your children are having a noisy day.

      The Zoom link - Meeting ID: 585 674 692
      Please email spousesandpartners@mit.edu for the password.
  • English Conversation Group
    Monday link - https://mit.zoom.us/j/99465408581  at 5pm
    Friday link  - https://mit.zoom.us/j/93976237967  at 10am
    • If you would like to feel more comfortable conversing in English and work on your fluency via cultural dialogues about life in the US, customs, and current events, then this is for you! Meet other MS&PC members, exchange ideas, and have fun in a friendly environment! All levels of English are welcome. Please contact ecgatmit@gmail.com for more information or for the password to attend the meeting.  Open to members of the MIT community, which includes enrolled students, staff, visiting scientists and scholars, faculty, their spouses and partners.
  • Self Growth Journeys – Part 2 coming soon!
    Mondays at 3pm and Thursdays at 4pm starting April 12
    • Has working from home decreased your efficiency? Have you lost touch with your goals? Or would you simply like to become a better version of yourself? Then join us we will look at different ways to encourage self-growth through award-winning books, TedTalks, and research:

      We meet up online twice a week where each e-meet will revolve around a new idea or book.

      Pre-registration is required as there is a limited number of participants for each e-meet. This way everyone will have the opportunity to express their opinions and insights about the subjects.

      The leaders of the group are MS&PC members Tal Eyal and Anna Soendergaard Muehlbach. It is a peer group - not professionally led.

      Watch for upcoming dates on our events calendar
  • Zumba
    Fridays at 5pm
    • We invite you to spend Friday evenings dancing with us. Meet Elif Yarar Sayın and join our virtual Zumba party!

      Please register here - bit.ly/zumbawithelif


Subscribe to our weekly email updates: spouses.mit.edu/join/subscribe

Join our private Facebook Group

Follow us on Instagram @mspconnect

Visit our events calendar at spouses.mit.edu/event-calendar


Open to all members of the MIT community

We connect people across MIT for conversation, cultural exchange, and friendship.

How to find a conversation partner at MIT so you can practice a language you are learning or want to improve with a native speaker.

  • Visit our website: http://lce.mit.edu
  • Search and contact native speakers of languages you want to practice for one-on-one conversation held at your convenience
    Watch this video to learn how our website works
  • Join our new Slack Space: https://bit.ly/lce-slack
  • Join or create channels for the languages you are interested in
  • Practice your writing skills while meeting other people at MIT who share your language interests
  • Participate in our virtual events: https://bit.ly/LCECAFE
  • Conversation cafes held on Zoom
  • Breakout rooms with small groups of people for language exchange
    Held on the 2nd Friday and 4th Tuesday of the month at 2pm, Register in advance

Get in touch with the LCE

Email us at lce@mit.edu

Follow us on Facebook @MITLCE


Need Someone To Listen?

Whether you’re having a bad day or just want someone to talk to, Peer2Peer’s community of MIT students is here for you.

Log in and chat anonymously about whatever’s on your mind with someone who really understands.



At the heart of the MIT mission statement is a call to serve the nation and the world—and this charge is embodied by the MIT Public Service Center. Every year, we send thousands of students into communities locally, across the nation, and around the globe to apply their skills and knowledge for the betterment of humankind. In the Institute's best traditions of hands-on experience, entrepreneurial spirit, and creative problem solving, these students donate their time, create new technologies, form communities and companies—and ultimately change lives everywhere they go.

As part of MIT's Division of Student Life, we provide a central point of communication and support for the outreach and humanitarian efforts of the MIT community. We engage students, alumni, staff, faculty, and others in life-changing initiatives and social entrepreneurship ventures that provide needed resources to individuals and communities.

Sign up for the weekly Community Service Bulletin of Events and Programs here.

News and upcoming events are posted on the homepage.

Professional Opportunities


The Depression Clinical Research Program (DCRP) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School is seeking a creative and computationally skilled postdoctoral fellow to develop next generation digital phenotyping methods that dynamically map psychological states such as depression, stress and perceived happiness, and cognitive function.  The fellow will work at the intersection of basic and translational digital phenotyping methods that seek to identify states of health and illness in older adults and how mind/body and mindfulness therapies may modify behavioral phenotypes. 

The successful candidate will have outstanding programming skills and a doctoral degree in psychology, neuroscience, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, computer science, applied math, or related field. Prior research experience in digital phenotyping is not required. Candidates with a strong background in machine learning, Python, and R statistical computing are encouraged to apply. Creativity, initiative, proven ability to publish, teamwork, self-direction, and excellent oral and written communication skills are key.

The fellow will have the opportunity to benefit from ongoing NIH funded clinical trials of behavioral interventions that, in addition to validated clinical measurements, receive multiple digital data streams.  These include passive and active smartphone sensing through the high throughput Beiwe platform developed by Dr. Jukka-Pekka Onnela’s laboratory at the Harvard School of Public Health, which is a collaborating group on this research.  Other data streams will include custom designed App software delivering psychotherapy and monitoring usage, and wearable devices.  The fellow will receive mentorship from the PI and other DCRP investigators toward the goal of publication of first-authored manuscripts early in the fellowship.  It is expected that this will enable the fellow to apply for independent NIH funding during the fellowship, building on the Principal Investigator’s and DCRP’s successful track record.

The position is full-time for 2 years (with funding extensible for an additional 2 years based on productivity and interest) with benefits. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, and additional funding for conferences and training seminars. The Massachusetts General Hospital is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and underrepresented minorities in science are encouraged to apply.  Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, the contact information of two references, and a cover letter describing their research background, interests, and professional goals by email to Dr. Felipe Jain (felipe.jain [at] mgh.harvard.edu).


Open position: The Department of Radiology at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School invite applicants for a full-time position at the postdoctoral research fellow level.

Topic: The funded project involves developing and using medical image analysis and deep learning algorithms to quantify normal brain development and to detect early signs of abnormalities in brain magnetic resonance images (MRIs).

Candidate qualifications: The successful candidate will be in the final year of PhD or have a PhD degree in the Data Science, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Applied Maths, Computational Neuroscience, or related fields. Experience in machine learning and medical image analysis is preferred.

Timeframe: The starting date can be as early as June 1st, 2021. The position will be open until filled. The period is 2 years given satisfactory progress evaluated at the end of the first year. Continuous stay beyond 2 years is possible based on performance and funding, and we will encourage and help the fellow to apply for his/her own funding for further career development.

Team: The new member will be working closely with

  • P. Ellen Grant, MD, Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, specializing in neuroradiology, neuroscience, and pediatric neurodevelopmental, Founding Director of the Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging Developmental Science Center (FNNDSC, https://www.fnndsc.org) that has ~10 faculty, ~10 postdoc fellows, and ~20 research scientists or assistants,  and
  • Yangming Ou, PhD, Assistant Professor of Radiology working on medical image analysis and machine learning, faculty member of FNNDSC, and Director of affiliated Image, Informatics, and Intelligence (I3) Lab (https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/i3-lab).

Members of the team (postdoc fellows, PhD students, and research assistants) work on MRI analysis and machine learning for abnormality detection, early screening of disorders, outcome prediction, treatment evaluation, and neuroimaging biomarkers for typical and atypical brain development in children and beyond.

To apply: Please send your CV to Dr. Yangming Ou at yangming.ou@childrens.harvard.edu.

Disclaimer: Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School is an equal employer. Applications will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, and pregnancy-related conditions or any other characteristic protected by law. Under-represented groups in STEM are especially encouraged to apply.


About MitoLab
Mitochondrial Genome Engineering Company (Cambridge, MA)
Spun out of MIT and Harvard, MitoLab is a venture-backed, mission-driven, stealth-stage startup building a scalable platform for mitochondrial gene therapy. Leveraging the founding team’s broad domain expertise in synthetic biology, MitoLab aims to develop therapies for currently-incurable mitochondrial genetic diseases.

We currently have two open positions. Please apply by April 15, 2021.

     - Biochemist at MitoLab

     - Synthetic Biologist at MitoLab

MitoLab is seeking to hire an exceptionally creative biochemist with deep, broad expertise in biotech and experience in addressing extremely challenging and complex problems. Primary responsibilities of this role include (1) spearheading independently-designed experiments that lead to new insights and solutions in the mitochondrial gene therapy space and (2) augmenting ongoing programs (to be explained during the interview) in a collaborative fashion. MitoLab is an equal opportunity employer and values different experiences and ways of thinking.


  • PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or a related field
  • Established track record of innovative research
  • For Biochemist:
    Extensive hands-on experience in biochemistry: in vitro assays, protein and nucleic acid biochemistry, cell-free expression systems, nucleic acid library design and screening, etc.

    For Synthetic Biologist:
    Extensive hands-on experience in both in vitro and in vivo biology: molecular cloning, protein engineering, mammalian synthetic biology, etc.
  • Familiarity with high-throughput workflows: high-throughput screens, NGS, etc.
  • Ability to adapt and work in a fast-paced and collaborative environment

Additional Information
At MitoLab, how you spend your time is not limited to pre-defined objectives set by the management. We very much encourage you to explore other creative projects (utilizing our resources and broad network) during your free time, to the extent that they don’t compromise
your core responsibilities–even if they don’t have anything to do with our core research milestones. We strive to build a creative, inventive culture/environment, which we strongly believe will only unlock more value and impact. We think of this as a long-term investment in
you, our team, the company, and ultimately the world.

To Apply
Interested applicants should send a CV to hello@mitolab.bio by April 15th, 2021.


The Nahrendorf Lab (Mouse Imaging Program) of the Center for Systems Biology (CSB), at the Massachusetts General Hospital, is looking for a research technician to conduct small animal imaging using state of the art imaging equipment. The Center has a unique small animal imaging facility that includes a PET-CT, 2 MRI’s (4.7T and 7T), optical tomography, and several confocal and multiphoton microscopic imaging systems. The position provides the successful candidate with an opportunity to get exposure to current molecular and physiological imaging research and would for instance be suited for someone interested in relevant research prior to medical or graduate school. The position would be full time, starting immediately, and would require at minimum a two year commitment. At least a Bachelors level degree is preferred, but we would also consider advanced undergraduate level applicants. We are interested in finding a team player who is motivated, independent, and dedicated to producing quality work. Prior experience in imaging is not required, but computer skills and the ability to organize and learn quickly are critical.

If you are interested in this position, please send a copy of your CV and resume to Serena Sullivan (Sullivan.Serena@mgh.harvard.edu).


Stanford PRISM Cohort 7: May 5-7, 2021

  • Application Due April 12, 2021 (11:59pm, PDT)

  • PRISM Application: https://pdapp.stanford.edu/app/PRISM 
    (Fill out Part 1: Common Application and Part 2: PRISM Application)

  • PRISM Cohort 7 May 2021 will be held ONLINE only (preferred PhD completion dates June 2021-August 2022)

We hope to host PRISM Cohort 8 in person at Stanford in October 2021 (preferred PhD completion dates December 2021-December 2022)

Stanford PRISM Resources

About Stanford PRISM

We invite all graduate students, and especially those from backgrounds underrepresented in academia, to apply for the Stanford Postdoctoral Recruitment Initiative in Sciences and Medicine (PRISM) postdoc interview opportunity. Underrepresented groups include, but are not limited to: African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Filipinos, those with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds, and those underrepresented on the basis of gender identity or expression or sexual orientation. Stanford PRISM invites students to explore our training environment and to consider whether advanced training at Stanford would support their career goals.

Postdoctoral training is a critical period for establishing research independence. At Stanford, postdocs work alongside top scientists and at the same time develop their professional skills, explore career options, and prepare for independent careers. Stanford has one of the largest postdoc populations in the country and a strong commitment to making the postdoc experience the best it can possibly be.

Questions about PRISM? Please contact Robin Sugiura, Director of Programs & Outreach, at stanfordprism@stanford.edu.


Medical device startup spinning out of MIT/HMS seeking CEO.
Project Prana is seeking a CEO to propel the team to its next stage of growth (Part-time okay)

A sample of what you’ll do:

  • Customer discovery and product positioning: The underlying technology has a few potential use cases that required further refinement. You will lead conversations with our potential customers to discover the best fit and position the product accordingly
  • Fundraising: You will lead efforts to fundraise to help finance Prana’s near-term tasks (e.g. clinical trials) and long-term growth
  • Team management: You will be the quarterback to ensure your teammates’ workstreams are progressing appropriately. Workstreams include but are not limited to clinical trials, manufacturing, and university startup competitions
  • Legal entity management: Project Prana is currently set up as a 501c3 nonprofit, and is exploring the option of converting the entity to a c-corp

About Us:
Project Prana is a 501c3 nonprofit working on bringing a new ventilator multiplexing technology to global markets in need. The team has developed and is ready to deploy the Individualized System for Augmenting Ventilator Efficacy (iSAVE). The iSAVE can expand the ventilation capacity of hospitals by multiplexing a single ventilator to provide personalized support to at least two patients. The iSAVE enables independent control of volume and pressure for each patient and incorporates safety measures to accommodate sudden patient deterioration and cross contamination.

Learn more about the rigorous testing standards and technical specifications of the iSAVE.

We have partnered with Indventr to manufacture the product, applied for an FDA EUA and are engaging in clinical trials in various sites. We are partnering with hospitals, startups, and healthcare systems around the world where low-cost or new ventilators are not viable.

If interested, please reach out directly to pranaforcovid@gmail.com.


Opportunity to work at interface of biomedical engineering and kidney stem cell biology and pathophysiology. The work includes development of approaches to regeneration,  injury mitigation and repair. The lab has pioneered development of kidney organoids from human stem cells and applied the technology to measurement of physiological function of epithelial cells as well as models of genetic and non-genetic diseases of kidney and lung. There are many collaborative projects with other biomedical engineering and biophysicist laboratories.  

We seek creative individuals, with backgrounds that can vary, who are interested in using basic techniques of stem cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics and engineering to tackle important problems in kidney disease. Knowledge of physiological system approaches are desirable but not mandatory. Should have good writing skills.

A PhD or MD/PhD or MD and US citizenship or permanent residency. Please email CV, a brief cover letter describing your experience and long term goals

To apply please contact Joseph Bonventre MD PhD at jbonventre@bwh.harvard.edu


Embark, the Gladstone Institutes Presidential Postdoctoral Program, aims to increase the representation of underrepresented minoritized groups within the sciences and at Gladstone. This program was launched in 2020 as part of our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

People are the most important part of our organization and are at the center of everything we do. At Gladstone, we know it takes a diverse group of empowered individuals to effectively use science to overcome disease.

We believe that when we bring together people with diverse approaches and ideas to tackle scientific challenges in creative ways, we create tremendous opportunities for discovering new treatments and cures for disease.


  • Must have completed degree requirements for a PhD or MD/PhD prior to the start of the program.
  • Be a part of a group that has been traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, as defined by the NIH, or have demonstrated support for underrepresented groups through their teaching, service, and research.
  • Be a United States citizen or a permanent resident.

Program Details

  • Scientific Research and Environment
    Gladstone provides a dynamic and collaborative research environment, with emphasis on rigorous scientific training, personalized attention and mentoring, supplemented by close interactions with our colleagues at nearby universities, such as UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, and Stanford.
  • Career and Professional Development
    Gladstone’s postdoctoral program is built to prepare you for a transition into an independent career, providing training in technical, professional, and leadership skills. Through courses offered at Gladstone, you’ll be able to expand your skills in data science, leadership and management, scientific and grant writing, and communication, in addition to receiving individual career counseling and guidance. Gladstone also hosts a number of events and programs for trainees to explore career opportunities in academics, industry, or nonprofits. Learn more about Gladstone’s postdoc program.
  • Community Building
    Gladstone is home to many community groups that provide opportunities for leadership, collaboration, mentorship, and science education outreach to the local community.

    The Gladstone Postdoc Advisory Committee (GPAC) aims to provide support that maximizes the professional and scientific development of postdocs at Gladstone.

    Outside of the postdoc committee, Gladstone has a number of community groups that connect individuals across labs and teams. Examples include the LGBTQ+ community group, the Women’s Initiative, and Elevated Voices, our community group dedicated to creating an inclusive culture in which people of color are empowered to contribute, learn, and lead.
  • Mentoring
    Mentoring is a central part of Gladstone’s mission and essential to our culture. You’ll receive personalized mentorship and will be able to develop your own skills as a mentor. In addition to Gladstone’s mentoring programs, participants in the Embark program will be able to join monthly social, professional, and career development activities with the UCSF IRACDA (Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award program. All postdocs also have access to personalized career advising sessions with Gladstone’s Postdoc Office.

    You can also grow your skills as a mentor by signing up to be a PUMAS mentor. Gladstone’s PUMAS (Promoting Underrepresented Minorities Advancing in the Sciences) summer internship program aims to provide historically underrepresented community college students with lab experience before they transfer to a 4-year institution to pursue a bachelor’s degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. As an Embark participant, you can sign up to mentor a PUMAS intern in your lab over the summer and expand your skills as a scientific and professional mentor.
  • Salary and Benefits
    Participants will receive a postdoctoral salary based on years of experience, Gladstone’s full benefits package, and a stipend of $10,000 per year for the period of the program.

Find more information on the program, application procedure and the selection process here.


We’re now accepting applications from graduating students for our winter session.

*While Fellows can attend the program from anywhere, they will still interview for roles in their chosen program location. All eligibility criteria still applies. Visit our FAQ page for more information.


What is Insight?

The Insight Fellows Program is a seven-week professional training fellowship for graduating students and working professionals looking to transition to thriving careers as data scientists, engineers, and other cutting-edge professionals. Insight takes a unique approach, working closely with partner companies to match Fellows with the hiring teams that represent the best fit for their skills and experience. 

Gain a Network

Since 2012, Insight has helped over 3,000 Fellows transition to thriving careers in a variety of data and tech fields. By joining the Fellowship, you’re also joining an extensive community of industry leaders, and gaining connections to thousands of data and tech professionals from hundreds of companies. This is an investment in your future that pays dividends for years to come.

Getting Hired

88% of Insight Fellows accept a job offer in their chosen field within 6 months of finishing the Fellows Program, and the median time to hire is 8 weeks.

Starting Salary

The average starting base salary for Insight Fellows across all our locations is $126,000. Average bonus is $12,000, and almost all Fellows receive either equity or stock grants. The average stock grant for publicly-traded companies is $26,000 per year.

Hiring Companies

Insight alumni are now working at Facebook, LinkedIn, The New York Times, Apple, Airbnb, Netflix, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, CVS Health, 23andMe, Bloomberg, NBC, Bosch, American Express, Microsoft, and 700+ other top companies.

Post-Program Experience 

Beyond the seven week program, Insight Fellows get access to a structured, highly-personalized post-program experience. This personalized post-program experience that we’re introducing as of Summer 2020, helps Insight Fellows get jobs 40% faster and earn $10,000-15,000/year more than the results quoted above. Learn more here.

Available Programs: Artificial Intelligence, Data Engineering, DevOps Engineering, Decentralized Consensus, Security, Data Science*, Health Data Science*,

*Please note that our programs are open to all degree levels, except our Data Science and Health programs, which have a PhD requirement.  


Sessions will take place remotely, but Fellows will interview for jobs in the following cities:

San Francisco, New York, Boston, Seattle, Toronto, Los Angeles, Austin, Chicago, Denver, Portland, Washington DC

Want to learn more about Insight and our programs? Visit: https://www.insightfellows.com

Not ready to apply? Sign up for our notification list: https://notifiy.insightdatascience.com/notify

Questions? Email us at info@insightdatascience.com


NIH Funded Postdoc Training in Informatics, Genomics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Biomedical Data Science at Boston Children's Hospital

The Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP) at Boston Children’s Hospital is now accepting applications for an NIH Funded Postdoc Training opportunity. The program has been committed to recruiting and retaining postdoctoral trainees who are URiM. We have maintained our commitment to diversity through prioritizing applications from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds.


We are excited to announce the launch of LabShares Newton, the first collaborative laboratory and biotech incubator in Newton, Massachusetts. LabShares provides a fully equipped laboratory, office space, and shared services to entrepreneurial biotechs without the hassle, lag time, and high upfront costs associated with building and managing their own labs. 

Through participation in the LabShares community, members receive a wide range of benefits and services. LabShares is conveniently located in a light-filled, modern office park near the Charles River -- just 15 minutes from Kendall Square with free parking, a gym, and a Fooda cafeteria.

LabShares is near capacity for its current space and has begun an expansion to double in size. We expect to open our newly renovated second floor in early 2019 and are accepting reservations now.

Check out the links below for more information. If you would like to schedule a tour contact Hannah Schram (hannah@labshares.com, 857-222-5817).

LabShares Website

LabShares Upcoming Events


The National Institutes of Health’s Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education offers an extensive range of clinical research training opportunities to prepare the next generation of clinician-scientists. Brief descriptions of the programs are provided below. As world’s largest biomedical research agency, the NIH encourages future clinician-scientists and medical researchers to consider adding an NIH experience to their portfolio.

Graduate Medical Education
NIH currently sponsor 17 medical specialty or subspecialty programs which have been accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). We also jointly sponsor clinical training programs with extramural training partners, to include Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland, and the National Capital Consortium. In addition, we sponsor numerous "one of kind" translational medicine fellowship training programs. https://cc.nih.gov/training/gme/programs1.html

Clinical Elective Programs
Short term—4 to 12 week—clinically oriented elective rotations for senior medical and dental students; unique mentored specialty/subspecialty clinical research rotations are also available for combined program students (i.e., MD/PhD, DO/PhD). https://cc.nih.gov/training/students/clinical_electives.html

Clinical and Translational Research Course for PhD Students
Two-week intensive introductory course to demonstrate the role of PhD scientists in clinical and translational research, provide an overview and examples of how basic science and clinical observations lead to translational research, and increase awareness and access to Ph.D. role models, research resources, and potential career opportunities at the NIH. https://cc.nih.gov/training/phdcourse/index.html

Postdoctoral Research Training Awards
Provides the opportunity for recent doctoral degree recipients to enhance their research skills in the resource-rich National Institutes of Health (NIH) environment, which consists of more than 1200 laboratories/research projects. https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/postdoc_irp

Graduate Partnerships Program
This program is designed to bring PhD graduate students to the NIH Intramural Research Program for dissertation research. https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/gpp

Core Curriculum in Clinical Research
Free courses offered include: Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (IPPCR); Principles of Clinical Pharmacology (PCP); and Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research. These courses are offered as distance learning courses. https://cc.nih.gov/training/training1.html


For information on EU – U.S. cooperation in doctoral and postdoctoral education opportunities for U.S. researchers and organizations. Visit IIE online at www.iie.org. Please contact the programs directly for additional information or with any questions you may have.

A quote from a recent Fulbright U.S. student, "My advice to Fulbrighters of the future is that which was given to me. Go at it with an open mind; your experience will not be anything like you predicted and will mark you indelibly, but it will be great."

Career & Financial Guidance Programs


Registration is now open for Reaching the Peak: A Science & Technology Career Summit, Research!America’s summit for early career researchers, on June 30, 2021 from 11-6pm ET.

During this one-day virtual event, early career researchers will have the opportunity to explore an array of career paths, network with fellow researchers, participate in professional development workshops, and engage in meaningful discussions around issues critical to the success of the R&D ecosystem. 

Sample workshops and topics the Summit will explore: 

  • Resume and CV Development 
  • Effective Science Communication 
  • Science Policy and Advocacy
  • Fostering Successful Mentorships

Early career researchers in biomedical, public health, or other health-related disciplines are invited to attend, including graduate students in Master’s, PhD, MD, PharmD, or similar degree programs, recent graduates, Postdocs/Fellows, and early-career employees. 

Early career researchers at your organization can register for this exciting event via the link below.Space is limited. 

Register for the Summit!

As a special component of the Summit, applications are now being accepted to participate in Research!America's second annual Flash Talks Competition. In this competition, early career researchers will test their science communication skills by providing a short, 3-minute presentation of their biomedical or health-related research, including its significance and broader context to a general audience. Each Flash Talk will be evaluated by a panel of judges on how effectively and concisely the research was communicated.

The preliminary round of the competition will take place on June 30, 2021 during Research!America's Early Career Summit, with the final round occurring during the 2021 National Health Research Forum held September 13-15, 2021.

Early career researchers at your organization who are interested in participating in the competition can apply below. Applications close April 23, 2021 at 11:59pm. 

 Apply for the Flash Talks Competition Today!


CAPD’s Infinite Careers program would like to you to two Alumni Speaker Series events in April:

Join Amy Schectman, MIT Masters in City Planning, and hear about her career journey, gain advice about your own career, and ask questions on April 22, 1-2pm ET. Amy Schectman has worked in the public and nonprofit sectors to advance affordable housing and social justice. Amy plays a state and national advocacy role. She serves on Governor Charlie Baker’s Council to Address Aging in Massachusetts, and is president of the board of Citizen’s Housing and Planning Association, the statewide umbrella organization for affordable housing professionals. She has been invited to The White House four times, and has hosted U.S. Congressmen, U.S. Senate staff, and state legislators numerous times. Read more about Amy here.Register in Handshake here.

Join Alexa Mills, MIT MCP City Planning, and hear about her career journey, gain advice about your own career, and ask questions on April 29 from 12-1pm ET. Alexa Mills is a journalist, editor, and teacher based in Brooklyn, New York. She is a writing coach for early-career reporters at The New York Times, and was previously the editor of Washington City Paper, D.C.’s alt-weekly newspaper. She has written for The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and several other publications. Read more about Alexa hereRegister in Handshake here.


  • Tuesday, April 27, 2021
  • 4-5pm ET
  • RSVP Here

Join us for an Exponent Virtual Seminar! If you are a PhD candidate with strong communication skills, are motivated to learn on the job, and have a desire to apply your education in unexpected and innovative ways, Exponent will be an exciting opportunity for you! At Exponent, we work on many of the most challenging and prominent engineering and scientific problems in the world. We invite you to learn more about how you can make a difference through engineering and scientific consulting.

Join our seminar to hear leading scientists and engineers from a variety of practices share recent project work and their unique experiences. We will offer a Q&A session after the presentation.

All levels of PhD students are invited. With questions or to apply, please email Patricia Mafioletti at pmafioletti@exponent.com (include CV).

Speakers include:

Ezra Jampole, Ph.D., P.E., Managing Engineer, Buildings & Structures
Howard M Loree, II, Ph.D., Manager, Biomedical Engineering & Sciences, MIT Alum 1992
Nikita Pak, Ph.D., Senior Associate, Biomedical Engineering & Sciences, MIT Alum 2018
Achim Wechsung, Ph.D., CFEI, Senior Associate, Thermal Sciences, MIT Alum 2014
Malima Wolf, Ph.D., P.E., CFEI, Senior Associate, Thermal Sciences, MIT Alum 2011
Harry Watson, Ph.D., Senior Associate, Thermal Sciences, MIT Alum 2018


Interested in a postgraduate career in investment banking?

Join us to learn about how investment banking analysts leverage their PhD training in equity research!

  • Session II: Thursday, April 15th, 5-6pm ET
    Kelly Girskis, PhD, Equity Research Associate, SVB Leerink

RSVP here: https://harvardbiotechclub.typeform.com/to/M04planb


The MIT Alumni Advisors Hub is an online platform that students can use to ask for advice when they need it—from MIT alumni around the world. Students can get advice on their job and internship search, conduct a mock interview or informational interview, explore career paths and future entrepreneurial pursuits, and navigating life at MIT.

Sign up to gain access to a community of alumni who are eager to share their advice at https://alumniadvisors.mit.edu/.

Find an advisor today!


To safeguard the health and well-being of our entire community, all recruiting activities, including career fairs, will adopt a virtual format. Information on this page will be updated regularly.

MIT has a diverse range of career fairs, only a few of which are run by Career Advising & Professional Development. Others are managed by student organizations or academic departments. MIT students are also welcome at some fairs hosted by companies, professional organizations, and other universities.

To get the most of your career fair experience, see our Tips for Career Fair Success. You can also view the CAPD events calendar for career fair workshops.

Find out more about career fairs at MIT.


The OGE sponsors MIT's iGrad financial literacy portal, with resources to help with financial support.

The iGrad Financial Literacy platform (offered for free to the entire MIT community in collaboration with the MIT Federal Credit Union) is customized for MIT with videos, articles, games,  job board, searchable scholarship database, and interactive modules on a wide range of topics, including emergency-funding, credit card management, identity protection, spending smarts, etc. it is a great financial literacy tool for students and the MIT community in general.

More information can be found at oge.mit.edu/finances     


For those who are looking for other resources, recordings of career related workshops and sessions for grad students available here: http://capd.mit.edu

The CAPD Event calendar can be found here. 

Sign up for the Graduate Student Career Advising mailing list here.


MIT Career Advising & Professional Development (CAPD) is pleased to announce MIT’s subscription to The Versatile PhD, a web-based resource for PhDs considering careers beyond academia. Our subscription, generously supported by OGE, can be accessed by students and alumni via CAPD’s webpage and student CareerBridge accounts. Once students register, they can simply log in to the site directly (www.versatilephd.com)


TWiHST is published every Friday during the academic year and bi-weekly during the summer.  

Anyone may submit Items for inclusion in the newsletter.

The deadline for submitting announcements for inclusion in each edition is Thursday at 2pm, immediately prior to a Friday publication date.
Items received later than this time will be held for publication in the following weekly or bi-weekly edition.

To submit an announcement: twihsteditors@mit.edu

To view the current issue: http://hst.mit.edu/news-events/twihst/current