Volume 24, Number 40

HST Community Notices


Are you traveling for any of the following reasons?

  • Conference/workshop
  • Giving a talk
  • Visiting your alma mater

Can you help promote HST by talking to prospective students?

Contact Laurie Ward (laurie@mit.edu) for talking points and promotional materials to distribute.
A link to an HST Programs Slide to include in your presentations can be found here.


Pain in Children is Often Ignored. For Children of Color, It’s Even Worse.

Each week the TWiHST newsletter includes an item (reading, video, podcast, etc.) about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM, academia, research, or medicine. Members of the community are encouraged to submit suggestions here. An archive of previous TWiHST DEI: Weekly Insight posts can be found here.


Find a full list here: https://hst.mit.edu/covid-19-resources

Course & Academic Resources


This year, the MIT community is adapting to new ways of taking care of ourselves and others. If you’d like to connect with your community, stay active, sleep better, relieve stress, and more, Community Wellness at MIT Medical can help you find wellness programs that fit your needs.

View all Community Wellness classes here.

Don’t see what you are looking for? Email wellness@med.mit.edu with any questions about wellness programs at MIT.

Don't forget: MIT Medical's COVID-19 hotline can be reached at 617-253-4865, and the 24-hour general helpline is 617-253-1311.


The Writing and Communication Center offers free one-on-one professional advice from communication specialists with advanced degrees and publishing experience. The WCC can help you further develop your oral communication skills and learn about all types of academic and professional writing.

Schedule Consultations with the Writing and Communication Center!

When: Mon-Fri, 9am - 6pm (except institute holidays)
Location: 18-233 (50 Ames Street, room 233) or by Zoom
Website: https://cmsw.mit.edu/writing-and-communication-center/
Contact: writing-center@mit.edu

The Writing and Communication Center (WCC) is open for scheduling in-person and remote consultations. We offer free one-on-one help with your written and oral work including research papers, fellowship applications, dissertations, and presentations. We provide support at all stages of the writing and communication process: from brainstorming to the final draft. We can help you make progress through writer’s blocks including procrastination, perfectionism, demoralization, and imposter stress. To learn more about the WCC, check our website and make an appointment at https://mit.mywconline.com. See you at the WCC soon!


Information about upcoming workshops for graduate students and postdocs can be found here.

Flipping Failure Stories, Strategies, & Reflections
Flipping Failure, a campus-wide initiative to help students feel less alone by hearing stories about how their peers coped with academic challenges, is excited to announce the launch of a regular newsletter. Each issue will highlight a story of an academic challenge faced by someone in our community and a strategy they used to cope with it. We’ll also share a related activity for readers to try out, connections to current trends and research, and an artistic expression related to the theme of each edition. We hope that by sharing these stories and strategies, we can create a community of support and encouragement for those struggling in their academic journey, lessen feelings of shame, and increase students’ sense of belonging at MIT.

If you have experienced distress around academic issues or support those who have, sign-up for the newsletter on Flipping Failure's website. 
Please feel free to also share this widely with anyone you think might be interested.

TLL's Flipping Failure initiative seeks to "flip" the conversation around struggle from something to be ashamed of to something that is part of the human experience.

For any questions about programs and resources available to graduate students through the TLL, contact Ben Hansberry, Assistant Director for Graduate Student Teaching (bhansber@mit.edu)

Subscribe here to the TLL Newsletter.


Harvard Catalyst works with Harvard University’s schools and affiliate academic healthcare centers to build and grow an environment focused on team science – where discoveries are rapidly and efficiently translated to improve human health. We catalyze research across all clinical and translational domains by providing investigators with opportunities such as pilot funding, free resources such as biostatistics consultations, training and mentoring programs, and numerous courses. To facilitate communication, collaboration, and data collection, our informatics team develops a range of open-source tools available to the community within Harvard University and beyond.

Information on courses and training through Harvard Catalyst can be found here.
A calendar of Harvard Catalyst events can be found here.
Subscribe to the Harvard Catalyst Newsletter here.


Information about the Harvard i-lab and it's upcoming events and activities can be found here.

Conferences, Lectures & Seminars


  • Wednesday, July 19, 2023
  • 11:00am-12:30pm
  • 35-225

We are pleased to announce the summer edition of our Autonomous Research Seminar at MIT that includes lunch!

  • Join us for the start of a new seminar series on current state-of-the-art research and industry advances in autonomous laboratories and technology!
  • Topics will range from robotic hardware, high-throughput experimentation, and machine learning.
  • This week, Dr. Jacob Woodruff from EMD Electronics will give an industrial overview on fully realizing autonomous research in materials and electronics manufacturing.
  • Recurring series happening every other Wednesday in building 35-225.
  • Please RSVP for free pizza. Limited headcount. bit.ly/43qE2Kp

This cross-campus gathering brings together researchers with a shared passion for accelerating R&D, extending into manufacturing scale-up, deployment, and tool building. The seminar will delve into critical topics such as autonomous material synthesis, characterization, ML-assisted rapid learning cycles, and generative AI for materials discovery. By participating, you will have the opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking advancements in solving grand scientific challenges, meet some of the industry and academic leaders in this field, and build a more inclusive community by lowering the barrier-to-entry for fellow researchers. 

In-person location: 35-225 (Class room on second floor of Bldg. 35)

Remote option available: https://mit.zoom.us/j/96962599892


Correlation One & Citadel Securities Summer Datathon and Terminal Events

Correlation One is excited to announce that we’re partnering with Citadel and Citadel Securities to launch the next season with our Summer events! These are our biggest events of the year, bringing top students across the world together. Top performing students have the opportunity to win $15,000 in cash prizes along with exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel (both internships and full-time roles). 

Summer Invitational Datathon
Datathon is a data science competition series similar to hackathons. Teams of students receive complex datasets, then analyze them, use real-world findings, and prepare a report of their discoveries to a panel of judges. These events are open to undergraduates, with specific concentration in data science and machine learning.

When: July 24 - 31

Where: Virtual

Who: First-year and second-year undergraduate students and first-year masters students

Prizes: $15,000 + recruiting/networking opportunities with Citadel and Citadel Securities


Summer Invitational Terminal
Terminal is an online game where software engineers and computer scientists build an algorithm to play a tower defense game in a team-based setting. Watch this video to see Terminal in action!

When: August 7 - 14 

Where: Virtual

Who: First-year and second-year undergraduate students and first-year masters students

Prizes: $15,000 + recruiting/networking opportunities with Citadel and Citadel Securities


Admissions are made on a rolling basis, so we encourage you to apply now before we reach full capacity! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the event, feel free to email Calais at calais.irwin@correlation-one.com, or competitions@correlation-one.com. We look forward to receiving your application!


We are pleased to share with you the Call for Papers for the Thirteenth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, to be held at UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, Canada, September 14-15, 2023.

The Health, Wellness, & Society Research Network is brought together by a common concern in the fields of human health and wellness, and in particular their social interconnections and implications. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries.

Sign up for our newsletter, like us on Facebook and LinkedIn, or join the Scholar Community to keep up to date.

Each year the International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society attracts participants from all over the world. Our Program Development team draws on this diversity to craft a rich and distinctive conference experience, with session types and programming explicitly designed to make the most of both online and place-based social knowledge processes.

Special Focus
Digitizing Health and Wellbeing

In addition to the annual focus, we invite proposals addressing one of these multiple themes.

Plenary Speakers:

Robert Sindelar, Professor and Dean Emeritus, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Canada

Ted Schrecker, Emeritus Professor of Global Health Policy, Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University, UK

In Person + Online
You can present and/or attend as an In-Person or Online Only delegate. Our model seeks to transcend physical boundaries by offering a platform to extend in-person conference content online while ensuring online-only delegates are afforded participatory and experiential spaces within the platform. At the same time, the model offers participants a legacy resource to which they can return in the Event application, with access to a social space in our Community application where fellow participants can keep connected long after the conference ends. 

With this step-by-step guide, you can get an insight into the new phases pre/during/post-conference of the conference experience. 

Social Events
Conference Tour: Walking Tour of Vancouver
Join other delegates for a walking tour of Vancouver. You will experience how walkable Vancouver is with some highlights of the downtown and the great views. The tour will also include transportation from the meeting point via Skytrain and water taxi.

Sign Up for Social Events

Companion Journal
All presenters are also encouraged to submit their papers to the companion journal, The International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society. Find out more about the journal and submission process.

Important Dates
We welcome the submission of proposals at any time of the year. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission. 

Upcoming Proposal and Registration Dates

  • Registration – Regular Deadline – August 14, 2023

Want to Present in Spanish? Submit Spanish Language Proposal


A calendar of upcoming events is available here.


The Medical Development Group Boston (MDG Boston) is a community of individuals professionally committed to the Medical Device and other Medical Technology Industry segments united by the belief that innovation and advances in technology lead to substantial improvements in health care.

MDG's Mission is to contribute to the continuing development of medical devices and other medical technologies by enhancing the professional development of its members, fostering and supporting entrepreneurial thinking, serving as a forum for exploration of new business opportunities, and promoting best practices in enterprise management.

MDG pursues this mission through the organization of educational programs and forums: the facilitation of cross-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration; the creation of venues for networking and information sharing for current and aspiring professionals, clinicians, and entrepreneurs; and the development of alliances with complementary organizations.

We would love for you to attend and spread the word in your community!

For more information on our upcoming events, visit our website.


Boston has long been known as a medical mecca of scientific discovery. Boston’s healthcare professionals and administrators are adopting practices from other high-risk and service industries. The ‘big data’ movement is thriving, fundamentally changing our healthcare delivery systems. Digital health investments are higher than ever before. Medical hackathons and un-conferences are now an every-weekend occurrence. And both redesign and innovation promise to change medicine as we know it. It’s all happening right here, right now. But the problem is that many of us don’t know it. Despite Boston’s innovative energy and a solid medical infrastructure, many medical providers and health care entrepreneurs remain in the dark about the opportunities, events and work happening in and around the city of Boston – and across the country. That’s where we come in.

At Medtech Boston, we highlight exciting medical innovation work in and around the city of Boston. We aim to start a discussion about the most exciting and controversial new healthcare offerings, igniting a new reputation for Boston as a city with first-class medical research and patient care, but also as a city full of passionate people who use new technology to think big thoughts about medicine’s most pressing problems.

More organizational information and event postings from Medtech Boston is available here.


Future topics will be similar to the previous Brainmap season, with some talks on Optogenetics, MR-PET, BOLD physiology, ultra-high field MRI, multimodal integration, contrast agents, and many more exciting topics! Unless otherwise noted, seminars (webinars) are held on Wednesdays at noon.

Find out about Brainmap here. Sign up here for our mailing list, in order to receive notices about our upcoming seminars.

Student Opportunities


Come watch the hometown Red Sox take on the visiting Atlanta Braves next Wednesday, July 26 at 7:10pm!

We have center field bleacher seats that provide a great view of the whole field (section 43). The first 7500 fans at the stadium will get a free Alex Verdugo headband.

Tickets are first-come, first-serve. They will be released on adMIT One on 7/24 at 4:30 pm ET here.

This event is open to current graduate students and their +1s only.

If you have questions please contact gsc-ac-chairs@mit.edu


You are cordially invited to a book discussion hosted by CAPD’s Grad Student Professional Development Team! For this meeting, we will be discussing “The Exceptions” by Kate Zernike. Set largely at MIT and the surrounding Cambridge area, the book explores gender dynamics in academia and science through the lens of the experiences of Nancy Hopkins (Amgen Professor of Biology Emerita, MIT). We’ll delve into the challenges and triumphs faced by graduate students and reflect on the role of gender in shaping these experiences. If you haven’t read the book already, start now! We look forward to seeing you on July 26th, 5 – 7 pm in E19-607. Refreshments will be served. MIT graduate students from all courses are welcome to join us for an evening of exploration and community.

Event link here.


Grad Student Experience Grants from OGE (Office of Graduate Education) funds numerous events/programs that enhance the graduate community at MIT. We have 3 yearly cycles for the grants program intended for events in fall, spring, and summer semesters. APPLY NOW FOR FALL EVENT FUNDING!

Since 2002, the grants program has been a successful proposal process that invites graduate students, spouses, faculty, and staff to submit creative ideas that kick start community-building projects. This program has expanded to include more facets of the graduate student experience including supporting students with families, diversity, equity, & inclusion, professional & leadership development, healthy living, arts and civic engagement, community-building across disciplines, outreach, advisor - advisee relations, and more!

We encourage anyone (faculty, staff, spouses, students) to apply for funds -- especially in collaboration with other students or student groups. Proposals may address a specific community such as families, a particular department, or a cultural community; they may cross departments or focus within a discipline. The purpose should be to create a more vibrant and fulfilling graduate experience at MIT.

Previous successful grants include AcroYoga, American Sign Language Lessons, Resin Jewelry workshops and many others (please see our website).

More details and the application can be found here.

The application deadline is July 31st. Please contact us with any questions: gradexperience@mit.edu


We are seeking to fill a Teaching Assistant position for this coming Fall term for HST.542 (6.4820/6.022/2.792) Quantitative & Clinical Physiology. The course teaches cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal physiology from a quantitative/engineering perspective. HST students having taken HST.090 will be in a great position to help teach the course. Interested students should contact Prof. Thomas Heldt (thomas@mit.edu).


J-WAFS is offering travel grants for MIT graduate students with water-related research to attend a major upcoming water sector conference: 

  • UNC Water & Health Conference (October 23-27, 2023, Chapel Hill, North Carolina) (Grant application deadline: August 16, 2023)

We anticipate awarding 2-4 outstanding students with funding to cover conference registration and travel expenses for the conference.

Eligibility: Students must currently be full-time MIT graduate students whose research, academics, and other activities demonstrate a commitment to addressing water quality, water supply, or related public or private sector challenges around water use, sustainability, and access, as well as an interest in pursuing a career in the water sector.

Find more information here. Note, a statement of support from the MIT faculty advisor or program director is required.


Grad students, interested in improving graduate life & community at MIT while earning a partial stipend? Apply to become a Graduate Community Fellow!

When would I start? Start dates are flexible and based on the Fellow and the hiring organization. If you’re looking for a job starting this semester, over IAP, or next semester, these openings may be a great fit for you!

What would I do? Graduate Community Fellows work on projects and assignments that enhance the graduate community at MIT in targeted, impactful ways. Each Fellow reports to a staff member in the OGE or a partner organization. See specifics below.

What are the requirements? Must meet minimal eligibility requirements and agree to the terms of appointment. Appointment periods for Fellow positions vary. All positions serve 10 hours per week, and receive compensation of $700 per month.

International students with full-time RA/TA appointments should note that there are eligibility restrictions.

Available positions are listed at the current Fellow positions page.

How do I apply? Once you’ve reviewed position details, download the application to apply. Applications for all positions are reviewed on a rolling basis. We hope to hear from you!

Questions? Contact Jessica Landry, jlandry@mit.edu.


Welcome! The MIT Activities Committee offers discounted tickets to the MIT community for local arts and culture, sporting events, and family activities.

Visit MITAC​ ~ Your Ticket to Fun for movies, museums, sports, theatre, music, family, seasonal & special events since 1984!

  • Online: web.mit.edu/mitac
  • On campus: The MITAC Stata Center ticket office is open Tues-Fri 12-4pm.

Feel free to stop by and visit!  

We look forward to seeing everyone!

Members of the MIT community: subscribe here (at the bottom of the page) to our mailing list/newsletter to receive the latest updates delivered right to your inbox!


Fellowship Newsletter
Our Fellowship Newsletter is a monthly/bimonthly occurrence that includes upcoming opportunities and events, tips on applying to fellowships, announcements, and generally an avenue for us to relay fellowship related information. 

Interested in receiving the newsletter? Please sign up for our mailing list by clicking here. Future Graduate Fellowship Bulletins will be sent right to your email inbox.

Other financial literacy resources:


Check out the completely free iGrad Financial Literacy platform (offered in collaboration with the MIT Federal Credit Union).

Customized for MIT, iGrad includes videos, articles, games, job board, searchable scholarship database, and interactive modules on a wide range of topics, including emergency-funding, credit card management, identity protection, and spending-smarts. It is a great financial literacy tool for students and the MIT community in general. Find more information at https://mit.igrad.com/. We encourage everyone to sign up!

OGE website’s Financial Literacy section: https://oge.mit.edu/finances/financial-literacy/

OGE website’s fellowships section: https://oge.mit.edu/finances/fellowships/ including Fellowships Tipshttps://oge.mit.edu/finances/fellowships/fellowship-tips/

Please reach out to the OGE at grad-ed@mit.edu with questions about our workshops or our financial literacy resources.

If there are further questions about fellowships, the OGE Fellowship section can be found here, especially the Fellowships Tips content here.  


Read current and past issues of the ISO Newsletter here. For non-students, you can also subscribe to receive published copies by email.


The Office of Graduate Education (OGE)’s GradDiversity seeks to support the success of underrepresented and under-served graduate students at MIT. This takes place through a series of programs designed to strengthen recruitment, enhance community, and ignite development in academic, leadership, and professional skills.

Together with the Institute Community and Equity Office and our faculty, students, and staff from across the Institute, we are committed to fostering a more inclusive and caring climate that intellectually engages and values all members of our MIT community.

Sign up for the GradDiversity Newsletter here.

Sign up for the ICEO Newsletter here.


MIT Spouses & Partners Connect - open to all significant others of MIT students, postdocs, and staff 

The best way to stay up to date on all of our events and activities is to subscribe to our email newsletter!

Private Consult with MS&PC Staff
Facilitated by Program Manager, Jennifer Recklet Tassi, this private appointment via Zoom or in-person is a time to ask questions, voice concerns, and reimagine your life here in Boston. We can spend the time talking about whatever is on your mind - from job search and career development to navigating a new city to figuring out how to make your experience in Boston productive and meaningful.

Appointments will be available at various times during the week.
Book a 30-minute private Zoom or in-person appointment here: https://mspc.youcanbook.me

Subscribe to our email updates: http://spouses.mit.edu/join/subscribe

Join the MITFamilies Slack Space: bit.ly/mitfamiliesslack

Join our private Facebook Group

Follow us on Instagram @mspconnect

Visit our events calendar at spouses.mit.edu/event-calendar

MIT Language Conversation Exchange - open to all members of the MIT community

We connect people across MIT for conversation, cultural exchange, and friendship.

Visit our websitehttp://lce.mit.edu

  • Search and contact native speakers of languages you want to practice for one-on-one conversation held at your convenience
  • Watch this video to learn how our website works

Join our Slack Spacehttps://bit.ly/lce-slack

  • Join or create channels for the languages you are interested in
  • Practice your writing skills while meeting other people at MIT who share your language interests

Subscribe to our newsletterhttps://lce.mit.edu/subscribe

  • Stay informed about upcoming small group meetings & events


Email us at lce@mit.edu

Follow us on Facebook @MITLCE

Visit our calendar


At the heart of the MIT mission statement is a call to serve the nation and the world—and this charge is embodied by the MIT Public Service Center. Every year, we send thousands of students into communities locally, across the nation, and around the globe to apply their skills and knowledge for the betterment of humankind. In the Institute's best traditions of hands-on experience, entrepreneurial spirit, and creative problem solving, these students donate their time, create new technologies, form communities and companies—and ultimately change lives everywhere they go.

As part of MIT's Division of Student Life, we provide a central point of communication and support for the outreach and humanitarian efforts of the MIT community. We engage students, alumni, staff, faculty, and others in life-changing initiatives and social entrepreneurship ventures that provide needed resources to individuals and communities.

Sign up for the weekly Community Service Bulletin of Events and Programs here.

News and upcoming events are posted on the homepage.

Professional Opportunities


A joint project with FDA-NIOSH is open. It requires rapid action to fill a position that would be a type of ORISE fellowship (2 years).


The posting  is written in broad terms and does not include all the specifics and is written with emphasis on the protective equipment side. Depending on qualifications of the fellow, the project will include work with BSL1 or 2 organisms and fluorescence/RNA technology developments in addition to nano- or micro-particles and complex fluids to address a number of fundamental questions on the fragmentation from human-like exhalations and their persistence. 

The fellow will in practice spend a lot of time in our Fluids and Health Network at MIT (and primary The Fluid Dynamics of Disease Transmission Laboratory at MIT for biological work) and rest of the time in other labs at MIT-IMES and FDA in MA  and with our collaborating team involving NIOSH as well. 

Expression of interest are time-sensitive and can be done via the submission site or email to bgadmin@mit.edu are needed this and next week as the posting will close imminently. 

For questions about the position and project contact bgadmin@mit.edu


We’d like to invite you to apply for the Pandemic Preparedness Hub Postdoctoral Fellows Program.


Stanford University is recruiting outstanding postdoctoral fellows for a fellowship in Pandemic Preparedness. This interdisciplinary fellowship will train recent doctoral graduates from any field who would like to pursue a career in advancing science to prevent or mitigate infectious disease pandemics. Fellows may work with any Stanford faculty members who are affiliated with the new Pandemic Preparedness Hub. Relevant disciplines may include epidemiology, community health, ecology, immunology, clinical-translational science, genetics, biomedical data sciences and health policy. Trainees who have trained in other disciplines and would like to transition their career to focus on infectious diseases are encouraged to apply and should demonstrate their commitment to this path. Each fellow will create a professional development plan with a professional mentorship team that includes their scientific mentor and senior faculty in the Pandemic Preparedness Hub. Faculty and fellows will convene regularly to share their work and identify opportunities for synergies across disciplines. In addition to salary and benefits, each fellow will research a research fund to utilize for pursuit of their own ideas.


  1. Competitive salary and benefits for two years
  2. A research budget for each fellow for two years
  3. Senior faculty mentorship, professional development, and networking support
  4. A diverse community of scholars with common professional interests and value


  1. MD within 3 years of completion of clinical training or PhD within 3 years of graduation as of September 1, 2024


To apply, please submit a 500 – 1000 word personal statement that describes your experience, interests, and goals for a fellowship with the Pandemic Preparedness Hub via our online form. For trainees who are currently working in a research lab, the Pandemic Preparedness Hub Fellowship should support a new research direction, training and project that is fundamentally distinct from the candidate’s existing research; continuation of existing projects will not be supported. Please indicate how your training and research plans will represent new areas of research, training and professional growth.

To learn more about the program, including application requirements, please visit pandemichub.stanford.edu, or contact Lauren Hailey, lohailey@stanford.edu


Northwestern University, in collaboration with the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago), announces several post-doctoral fellowship positions. All positions are two-year, full-time fellowships that provide an opportunity for individuals who have completed a PhD or other terminal degree to gain expertise and experience in health services research broadly, with the goal of preparing for a scholarly career. All openings are funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research; research activities must relate to NIDILRR’s Long Range Plan.

Information about and application requirements are available on the Integrated Program in Health Services and Outcomes Research website: https://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/sites/cehs/fellowships/index.html

Contact Allen Heinemann at 312.238.2920 or a-heinemann@northwestern.edu for questions about eligibility and program fit. We encourage applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. Northwestern University and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab are affirmative action, equal opportunity employers.


Data Science - Bioinformatics / Full Time - Cambridge, MA

Watershed Informatics enables the world’s scientists to turn today’s big data into tomorrow’s precision medicines. Specifically optimized for catalyzing the life sciences development pipeline, the Watershed® Cloud Data Lab (CDL) provides all the tools and technologies a biologist needs to harness the value of complexity in their own data, and lets bioinformaticians rapidly prototype and deploy custom and established analytic workflows across an organization. Combining our team of stellar software engineers’ and bioinformaticians trained at MIT, Harvard, Carnegie-Mellon, UCSD, and diverse industry experience, we have built a platform that our customers, such as Cellino and SalioGen, rave about. After raising a $14.5M Series A led by Canvas Ventures with Bessemer Venture Partners and Accomplice participating, we are rapidly scaling our team, including our world-class bioinformatics group.

As part of the bioinformatics team, you’ll help define the core scientific features and functionalities of our platform for years to come, and play a crucial role in ensuring the continued success of our product. This role is a great opportunity for candidates looking to go both wide and deep in their bioinformatics expertise, build upon their technical skills, and work with a group of rigorous, passionate, caring, and down-to-earth scientists and engineers. You’ll build bespoke bioinformatics solutions to address the unique problems our customers are facing and ensure their technical success. You’ll engage directly with users (both biologists and bioinformaticians) to test, troubleshoot, and enhance deployed workflows. You’ll use their feedback to enable our team to iteratively improve our product. Internally you will lead the development and prototyping of our bioinformatics workflows for technologies such as: short and long read NGS, mass-spectrometry (proteomics, metabolomics), high-content imaging, and protein folding. For a given pipeline, you’ll research available analysis methods, compare and contrast existing bioinformatics tooling options, identify areas for improvement, and implement a prototype workflow. You’ll work with our
full-stack engineering team to productionize this prototype into a mature product offering. Come make foundational contributions at a fast-paced and rapidly growing tech-bio startup with a culture of empathy, efficiency, responsibility, and candor.


  • Lead and execute the development of new bioinformatics workflows
  • Collaborate with our engineering team to make our bioinformatics workflows efficient and robust
  • Engage directly with customers (both biologists and bioinformaticians) on their deployment of the Watershed platform, ensure the technical success of client engagements, and communicate customer feedback and feature requests to the broader team
  • Test, troubleshoot, and enhance customer workflows with and on behalf of customers, and lead design and development reviews of these workflows
  • Propose and implement more sophisticated, bespoke bioinformatics analyses upon customer request

You would value working at Watershed if you are:

  • Thorough, but Practical: You pride yourself in robust analysis. Speed to insight is favored over perfection, but soundness of results is paramount. Quality control at every step is required. You're skeptical of data and model assumptions, and think that verifying results starts with inspecting the raw data. You believe added complexity can be hard to implement and even harder to validate.
  • A humble teammate: You’re excited to work in a cross-disciplinary team with a variety of skill sets you can constantly learn from. You understand that mistakes are inevitable, and that being open and forthcoming is the best way to rectify them and improve in the future. You know your areas for growth and can seek help from the team when needed.
  • Independent: You excel at scoping and executing multiple projects while being aware of competing priorities. You communicate successes and blockers to all stakeholders to ensure on time completion of goals.
  • Impact-driven: You think that the purpose of bioinformatics is to act as a lens through which to better understand biology versus an end in itself. You value translational research as a way to bring meaningful improvements to the world.
  • Technically rigorous: You appreciate that your work lays the foundation for bioinformatics analyses on the Watershed platform for years to come, and take the time to build modular, robust, and sustainable workflow components. You want to know the intricacies of each step and how they provide the insights our customers need.


  • PhD-level expertise in developing end-to-end bioinformatics pipelines (5+ years of experience in bioinformatics)
  • Strong biology background and empathy for bench experimentalists
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills
  • Knowledge of bioinformatics and data science best practices (quality-control, exploratory data analysis, existing industry standard open-source tools, data structures)
  • Experience in Python, R, and/or MATLAB
  • In-person work with flexible work-from-home days (currently Monday/Tuesday in-office)

Benefits and culture:

  • Competitive salary and equity compensation package
  • Employer contribution to healthcare insurance (medical, dental, vision) for you and your dependents
  • Flexible PTO: we believe it’s important to take time off to rest and recharge
  • Regular company outings
  • Uber eats stipend when working
  • Tremendous growth opportunity and autonomy in a rewarding, supportive environment
  • Top-down focus on employee wellness and work-life balance
  • Open door policy with a focus on collaboration

Watershed is an equal-opportunity employer and believes diversity of all types is integral to company success. We do not discriminate on the basis of religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.


Postdoctoral training opportunities are available in Biological, Biomedical Sciences, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) is actively recruiting talented researchers to join us for the next phase of their career. MSK is a top-ranked cancer center that consistently produces innovative research aimed at preventing, controlling, and ultimately curing cancer among other diseases. We write to actively invite your graduating or recently graduated PhD students as well as postdocs seeking more experience to apply to be a part of MSK. We’d greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word amongst your students.

At MSK, postdoctoral trainees are embedded in a scientifically invigorating environment in the heart of NYC, an exciting hub for biomedical research. Postdocs would join a vibrant community of nearly 500 others pursuing a fertile range of scientific topics, all the while developing their skills and professional potential among a diverse mix of talented colleagues.

MSK provides postdoctoral researchers with a highly competitive salary and benefits package with yearly increases; full medical, dental, and vision coverage for themselves and any eligible dependents; low-cost housing options, affordable childcare, and minimum of 12 week paid parental leave.

To learn more about the diverse laboratory specialties in SKI and in Memorial Hospital and to peruse currently open positions, please visit our Postdoctoral Opportunities page HERE and the Career portal HERE, where candidates can also upload their CV to be contacted about future opportunities.


The National Institutes of Health’s Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education offers an extensive range of clinical research training opportunities to prepare the next generation of clinician-scientists. Brief descriptions of the programs are provided below. As world’s largest biomedical research agency, the NIH encourages future clinician-scientists and medical researchers to consider adding an NIH experience to their portfolio.

Graduate Medical Education
NIH currently sponsor 17 medical specialty or subspecialty programs which have been accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). We also jointly sponsor clinical training programs with extramural training partners, to include Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland, and the National Capital Consortium. In addition, we sponsor numerous "one of kind" translational medicine fellowship training programs. https://cc.nih.gov/training/gme/programs1.html

Clinical Elective Programs
Short term—4 to 12 week—clinically oriented elective rotations for senior medical and dental students; unique mentored specialty/subspecialty clinical research rotations are also available for combined program students (i.e., MD/PhD, DO/PhD). https://cc.nih.gov/training/students/clinical_electives.html

Postdoctoral Research Training Awards
Provides the opportunity for recent doctoral degree recipients to enhance their research skills in the resource-rich National Institutes of Health (NIH) environment, which consists of more than 1200 laboratories/research projects. https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/postdoc_irp

Graduate Partnerships Program
This program is designed to bring PhD graduate students to the NIH Intramural Research Program for dissertation research. https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/gpp


For information on EU – U.S. cooperation in doctoral and postdoctoral education opportunities for U.S. researchers and organizations. Visit IIE online at www.iie.org. Please contact the programs directly for additional information or with any questions you may have.

A quote from a recent Fulbright U.S. student, "My advice to Fulbrighters of the future is that which was given to me. Go at it with an open mind; your experience will not be anything like you predicted and will mark you indelibly, but it will be great."

Career & Financial Guidance Programs


The Advanced Professional Degree (APD) recruiting team is excited to share our March APD recruiting newsletter with you. Below you’ll find more information about our upcoming virtual recruiting events, including details for our flagship programs - Insight & Diversity Connect! Scroll down for more information.

Virtual Events
Join us for our upcoming virtual events! Stay up to date with our full list of events by clicking here.

You can view a full list of upcoming affinity-specific events here.


Join us for CAPD’s New Faculty Job Search Series and prepare yourself to strategize, anticipate, and effectively execute a faculty job search. These workshops will help you understand the conventions and expectations for required documents (CVs, cover letters, diversity statements, teaching statements, and research statements); revise, polish, and perfect your application materials; develop interview skills; and be ready to negotiate salary, benefits, research provisions, and more. These workshops are open to MIT Graduate Students and Postdocs, and you may register for all the workshops or just the few that you need.

You’ll find the latest updates on upcoming workshops in your CAPD Newsletters or you can always check the CAPD Events page. Sign up for our newsletters and automated emails by updating your uConnect profile and preferences.

Have questions? Contact us.


The MIT Alumni Advisors Hub is an online platform that students can use to ask for advice when they need it—from MIT alumni around the world. Students can get advice on their job and internship search, conduct a mock interview or informational interview, explore career paths and future entrepreneurial pursuits, and navigating life at MIT.

Sign up to gain access to a community of alumni who are eager to share their advice at https://alumniadvisors.mit.edu/.

Find an advisor today!


MIT has a diverse range of career fairs, only a few of which are run by Career Advising & Professional Development. Others are managed by student organizations or academic departments. MIT students are also welcome at some fairs hosted by companies, professional organizations, and other universities.

To get the most of your career fair experience, see our Tips for Career Fair Success. You can also view the CAPD events calendar for career fair workshops.

Find out more about career fairs at MIT.


The OGE sponsors MIT's iGrad financial literacy portal, with resources to help with financial support.

The iGrad Financial Literacy platform (offered for free to the entire MIT community in collaboration with the MIT Federal Credit Union) is customized for MIT with videos, articles, games,  job board, searchable scholarship database, and interactive modules on a wide range of topics, including emergency-funding, credit card management, identity protection, spending smarts, etc. it is a great financial literacy tool for students and the MIT community in general.

More information can be found at oge.mit.edu/finances     


For those who are looking for other resources, recordings of career related workshops and sessions for grad students available here: http://capd.mit.edu

The CAPD Event calendar can be found here. 

Sign up for the Graduate Student Career Advising mailing list here.


MIT Career Advising & Professional Development (CAPD) is pleased to announce MIT’s subscription to The Versatile PhD, a web-based resource for PhDs considering careers beyond academia. Our subscription, generously supported by OGE, can be accessed by students and alumni via CAPD’s webpage and student CareerBridge accounts. Once students register, they can simply log in to the site directly (www.versatilephd.com)


TWiHST is published every Friday* during the academic year and bi-weekly during the summer.
(* - TWiHST is not published on designated/recognized Institute Holidays and Special Holidays when MIT is officially closed)  

Anyone may submit Items for inclusion in the newsletter.

The deadline for submitting announcements for inclusion in each edition is Thursday at 2pm, immediately prior to a Friday publication date.
Items received later than this time will be held for publication in the following weekly or bi-weekly edition.

To submit an announcement: twihsteditors@mit.edu

To view the current issue: https://hst.mit.edu/news-events/twihst/current