Applying to HST PhD via MIT?


This is the admissions page for applications to the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST) via MIT, additional instructions can be found here.

Applications to HST PhD programs via Harvard should be submitted by following the instructions found here.


Transcript and Testing Requirements:

Further information may be found here.

Letters of Recommendation:

We require that all recommendations be written in English and submitted electronically via this system. Use Letters of Recommendation and then Letter Status to request electronic recommendations and to check whether recommendations have arrived. You must e-mail your recommenders the instructions shown in Letter Status.  We appreciate receiving all recommendations by the application deadline, as that will expedite the processing of your application. We do accept recommendations received shortly after the deadline, but all recommendations must be received by December 9 in order for your application to receive full consideration.

Additional Information:

You can find more information on the HST PhD admissions page and on our Frequently Asked Questions page. Please address all questions about HST and the application process to hst-phd-admissions [at] (subject: HST%20PhD%20Admissions%20inquiry) (hst-phd-admissions[at]mit[dot]edu).

You can learn more about MIT graduate admissions in general here.

Privacy Policy:

MIT is committed to protecting the individual privacy of applicants and students by restricting the use of all collected information as specified by Institute policies. In accordance with these policies, the information in your application may be used by MIT officials only for appropriate administrative and research purposes.

The online application website uses cookies to maintain a session identifier while you are actively using the site but does not use cookies for any other purpose.

The software we use to process credit card payments uses secure encryption technology (SSL) to reduce the possibility of theft, manipulation, and other alteration of information that you provide to us.

Any changes to our policy will be posted on this page.

Key Dates (all Eastern Time)

December 1, 2022, at 11:59pm *CHANGE!*
Deadline for applications via MIT

Mid-January 2023
Promising applicants invited to interview

Late January 2023
Virtual Interviews

Mid-February 2023
Admission decisions released

Late-February, early March 2023
Open House for admitted applicants

April 15, 2023
Last day for applicants to declare admission decision