• HST Preclinical Subjects (HST.011-HST.200)*:
    Students not enrolled in an HST program are limited to two HST preclinical courses and must provide justification for enrolling in these courses. This action must be approved by the course director and the student’s advisor.

    These subjects are scheduled according to the Harvard Medical School academic calendar, which differs from the MIT calendar. Students whose graduation depends upon completing one or more of these subjects should take particular care regarding the schedule.

    *HST.163 & HST.198 are not included in the two-course limit.


Fall 2024 --  IAP/Winter 2024 --  Spring 2024

IAP/Winter 2025 and Spring 2025 schedules will be published in December 2024, links below go to descriptions only (see the additional links on this page for HST preclinical course schedule pdfs from HST@HMS)

Fall 2024

IAP/Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Summer 2024 


HST PreClinical Course Calendars

Course Calendars (AY25)

Download M1 Course Schedule (pdf updated 3.28.2024)
Courses in the Year 1 (M1) HST MD curriculum  

Download M2 Course Schedule (pdf updated 7.1.2024)
Courses in the Year 2 (M2) HST MD curriculum