Congratulations graduates!

Please LOGIN (via touchstone), before completing this form; you will then be able to access it later. 

We ask that ALL graduating students (September 2024 - May 2025) complete this form. 
If you are not planning on attending the event in person, you may skip "Section 2".

Please complete by Friday, April 25.


HST Degree (being granted in AY25)
Will you ATTEND the event on May 27th?
If yes, please be sure to complete section 2
Section 1, the Booklet and Alumni Contact Information

We ask that ALL graduates complete this secction. The Graduation Booklet is a keepsake of the day and lists all graduates, whether or not they are able to particpate in the virtual event.

position, institution/company, location

Post-Graduation Contact Info. We’d love to keep in touch and will send the information you provide here to the MIT Alumni Office to set-up your account. This information will NOT be published in the booklet.

If you are not attending the event in person, please list your mailing address for the HST certificate in the "Additional Address Notes" field.
If you would like us to send your HST certificate (June) to a different address than above, please let us know.  Feel free to include any notes on the "effective date" of this mailing address, or anything else we should know.
Section 2, the ceremony


Please let us know how many guests you are bringing and if they need any special accomodations.  Note, tickets are not required but this will help us with a general headcount.


not including you
 (for you or your guest) 
To help as we read your name as you cross the stage.

We have an established HST graduation tradition of reading aloud information and personal anecdotes about each graduate.  The inclusion of information that's important to each graduate has helped us to create a particularly warm and personal graduation event. 

If you provide us with information in each of the following FOUR fields,  we’ll be happy to craft a blurb for you.


Or feel free to create a blurb for yourself.

Below are sample blurbs:
 "Shirley has held a number of fellowships and was part of the team that invented LSS technology, named by the American Institute of Physics as one of the 25 most important biological and medical physics achievements of the past five years.  In spite of her many accomplishments, however, she notes that her most memorable HST experience was Shiv’s immunology raps.”
"Jack was a member of the HST-IMES Committee on Academic Programs, the Outing Club, and the MIT Origami Society.  He received an NSF Fellowship and his 50K research proposal so astounded the judges that they awarded him 100K.  His most memorable HST moments all took place at the biannual HST Dinner Seminars, enjoying fine dining and connecting with students, faculty and alumni.