These are pre-pandemic policies, please contact HST staff listed below for COVID event policies.

Student Event Planning

Please follow the guidelines here to ensure that all HST events meet the requirements of HST's parent institutions. An "HST event" is defined as one that is funded by HST, sponsored by members of the HST community, or advertised via HST communications.

When planning an event, please contact laurie [at] (subject: Event%20Planning) (Laurie Ward <laurie at>) or maureen_bergeron [at] (Maureen Bergeron Bates <maureen_bergeron at>) to make sure that you arrange proper permission for the use of space, the presence of alcohol, and the potential need for security arrangements. There are strict institutional policies regarding alcohol served at MIT and Harvard events, and HST is determined to insure that all events comply with these policies.

Reserving Event Space

Spaces used for social events may be scheduled and controlled by HST, Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), MIT's Campus Activities Complex, MIT's Schedules Office, or individual departments within one of these institutions. Spaces are often booked far in advance. Please be sure to leave yourself enough time to book the space you want; this can range from only a day or two for meetings in small conference spaces controlled by HST to several months for popular campus event facilities. For details about how to book spaces, contact laurie [at] (subject: Event%20Planning) (Laurie Ward <laurie at>).

School Specific Policies

MIT Event Policies and Procedures

MIT event registration is required for most events, for a listing of what types of events require registration see MIT Event Registration.

Steps to take to register an event at MIT are:

  1. Register your event no later than least ten (10) business days prior to the event
  2. Before submitting the online Event Registration Form through Atlas, Events (requires the use of MIT personal and web certificates)
    1. Designate a TIPS certified person to serve alcohol OR hire a 3rd party licensed bartender. There should be one TIPS-trained person per every 50 guests.
    2. Determine an Event Planner who will be responsible for organizing and registering the event. They also must be present for the duration. This should be a current HST student who is familiar with MIT Event policies.  She/he/they should complete the Student Event Planning Orientation (also known as Event Planning 101) in Atlas, found under the Planning Resources tab.
    3. Determine Host/Day of Event Contact This must be an IMES faculty or administrative staff member. It is advisable to invite and confirm participation at least a month or more in advance. For the Event Registration Form, you will need to provide their mobile phone number. You should also alert them that they will be prompted to approve the online event registration as part of the Event Registration process.
    4. Reserve location. To confirm that the event is taking place at the HST Student Lounge at MIT (E25-519 and/or E25-521), upload a photo of the sign on the interior door leading to 521 from the 519 lounge area. This will verify that the space is indeed utilized by students during evenings and weekends. If needed, staff in the Academic Office can assist or advise you on other MIT campus locations.
  3. Register event as
    1. The event is hosted by = Department/DLC
    2. Sponsoring Department = Health Sciences and Technology Program
    3. Additional buttons normally selected and filled out are Alcohol and Food.

For more details, see Student Life Programs' MIT Event Planning Guide and consult the MIT Alcohol Guidelines.

Staff may find more information on the Admin Connect and MIT Institute Events and Information Center event planning websites.

HMS Event Policies and Procedures

These procedures apply to all events occurring on-campus at Harvard Medical School.

The information below pertains to events that (if alcohol is being served) are taking place in a venue with a liquor license and licensed bartenders. Most of the buildings on the HMS campus have beer and wine licenses, so they do not require special purchases of licenses.

At HMS, students, faculty or staff may reserve rooms for events. A room reservation for an event involving large groups requiring special room set-ups or including alcohol may trigger further review.

Steps to take:

  • You may be required to provide information about the type of event, who is sponsoring the event, whether food or alcohol will be served, entertainment, room set up, and so on pending Room Scheduling review.  For assistance contact maureen_bergeron [at] (Maureen Bergeron Bates <maureen_bergeron at>).
  • Room Scheduling may have HMS Security review the event. They may attach a police detail to the event, especially if it is after hours and involves a large number of students; the detail is charged to the department or student group sponsoring the event.
  • For events where alcohol will be served (but not sold), access to the events must be controlled and set away from public corridors. One person must act as the alcohol monitor and be stationed near the alcohol to ensure no under-age or excessive drinking occurs. A sign prohibiting under-age drinking must be posted near the alcohol. For further information on or a copy of the HMS alcohol policy, please email maureen_bergeron [at] (Maureen Bergeron Bates <maureen_bergeron at>).