Core values: Mutual support, Leadership, Integrity, Inclusivity 

Mission Statement:

The HST Women’s Group is dedicated to fostering a sense of community amongst the women-identifying individuals of HST. To encourage mutual support and mentorship, we provide opportunities to connect HST women of all levels. Our overall goal is to initiate programs and events that contribute to the personal and professional growth of our community members. Our events are open to all members of the HST community looking to support HST women. 

Events we host:

  • Admissions/Recruiting Women’s Brunches
  • Potluck dinners at homes of faculty
  • Faculty and Student Mixers
  • Virtual social events!


Rachel Bellisle

Rachel Bellisle
MEMP 2018 
bellisle [at] (bellisle[at]mit[dot]edu)

Alicia D’Souza

Alicia D’Souza
MEMP 2019
adsouza [at] (adsouza[at]mit[dot]edu)

Contact us to get involved:

hstwomen-coordinators [at] (hstwomen-coordinators[at]mit[dot]edu)

Recent Events

February 2020 Admissions Brunch

February 2020 Admissions Brunch

September 2019 Potluck with Prof. Bhatia

September 2019 Potluck hosted by Prof. Sangeeta Bhatia