HST MEMP PhD students involved in vertebrate animal research must comply with all applicable policies.

Sources of Information:

On-campus Research: Full Application

Vertebrate animal research conducted at MIT requires an approved MIT Committee on Animal Care (CAC) protocol. If no current approved protocol exists, a full application must be submitted before research commences. If an MIT CAC protocol already exists for the project, an addendum submitted by the principal investigator is required to add the HST student to the project.

Off-campus Research: Abbreviated Application

Vertebrate animal research conducted at locations other than MIT requires an approved protocol from the institution where it is being performed. In addition, any student enrolled in an MIT degree program must complete and submit the form for Notification of Off-Campus Animal Use by MIT/WI Student(s) to the MIT CAC. This form is found as item #4. (For research performed at MGH: MIT's CAC requires that this form be accompanied by a copy of the most recent approval letter, but not a copy of the protocol itself.) 

MIT Department Representatives who sign Section 4 Funding Disclaimer on that form are:

  • Laurie Ward (laurie [at] mit.edu (subject: CAC%20Notification%20of%20Off-Campus%20Animal%20Use) (laurie[at]mit[dot]edu), 617-253-3609) for HST PhD students
  • Laurie Ward (laurie [at] mit.edu (subject: CAC%20Notification%20of%20Off-Campus%20Animal%20Use) (laurie[at]mit[dot]edu), 617-253-3609) interim for HST UROP students