HST MEMP PhD students involved in human subjects research must comply with all applicable policies.
Sources of Information
- MIT (general)
- MIT (cross-institutional collaborations with reciprocal IRB agreement)
- Harvard Longwood Campus (HMS, HSPH, HDS)
- Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- Mass General Brigham
- Boston Children's Hospital
Steps for determining MIT IRB requirements
1. Are you planning to engage in research involving human subjects as defined here?
If no, you do not need to follow the steps below.
2. Is your research performed on the MIT campus and/or under the supervision of an MIT faculty member?
If yes, your research advisor would either add you to an existing protocol or submit a new full application listing you as an associate investigator. Consult COUHES for details. You do not need to follow the steps below.
3. Is MIT engaged in the research? See definition here and Engaged in Research: Scenarios here.
If no (for example, in the case of off-campus research with de-identified data), then you may be required to adhere to the policies of other institutions, such the institution where your research is being conducted and, if you are a Harvard MEMP, your degree institution. No further action is necessary at MIT.
If yes (for example, if you have direct interactions with human subjects), then proceed to step 4.
4. If you got this far, it means that you plan to conduct research involving human subjects and MIT is engaged, but the research will take place at another institution under the supervision of non-MIT faculty. In this case, you must submit your project information to the MIT COUHES office:
- If your research meets these qualifications for exempt review, use COUHES Connect to submit an Exempt Evaluation. As an MIT student, you may list yourself as PI on the exempt form, with either your academic advisor or HST co-Director cmstultz [at] mit.edu (Collin Stultz) as the faculty sponsor. Contact laurie [at] mit.edu (Laurie Ward) with any questions.
- If your research is not exempt, ask the other institution to enter into a Single IRB agreement as the Reviewing Institution, with MIT as the Relying Institution. Complete a Reliance Request Form – MIT to Rely. In Section III of that form, list HST co-Director Collin Stultz as the MIT PI and Laurie Ward as the MIT Point of Contact. Send the completed form to cmstultz [at] mit.edu (Professor Stultz) and laurie [at] mit.edu (Laurie Ward) for signatures before submitting to COUHES. After it is approved, please send a copy of the Determination notice to laurie [at] mit.edu (Laurie Ward).